size and shape of kibble

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
I'm looking for some help in identifying a few foods.

What I'm looking for are foods that have very small, round, flat kibble shapes.

Currently Cooper is eating Pet Promise & Fromm as his main staple. He will occasionally eat a kibble or two of my other foods but not consistently. I've tried a few things to get him to eat more of the other foods, and some of it works, but from watching him, I believe his issue it is easier for him to eat the smaller round flat kibbled food.

Instead of buying lots of food and finding out the kibble shape isn't right, I thought I would ask here. If you know of a food that fits the appropriate hedgehog food bill and has the right shape, please share. I'd like to find another food to add to his diet because Pet Promise is no longer making food.
I'm not sure how small "very small" is, but Natural Balance Green Pea & Duck is rounded and flat.
Spike's Delight is fairly small and easy to crunch on... I know... not the greatest, but it's looking darn easy to eat.
Natural balance's other type (the light version in a pink bag, limited ingredients as well but more common ingredients) is flat and round and a huge hit over here.
