Six fingered baby?

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I think it's presumptive to say that he would be a great pianist/typist/what-have-you because of his extra digits. A person could have enough fingers to cover all 88 keys of the piano, but if he doesn't have musical talent, he'll never be great at it.
And keyboards are laid out for people with 5 fingers on each hand. Two extra fingers on the computer keyboard would be unnecessary and could even make things more complicated.
I'm not trying to say that his polydactyly is a bad thing, but it bugs me when people see someone and assume that they'll be good at something based on their physical characteristics. ("Oh, you're tall; you must be good at basketball", for example.)
That kid would be made fun of. yes it is amazing but i think the parents arnt thinking logically about the long run right now there just soaking up the fame
I am sooooo glad I found this thread because it is so personal to me. I actually was born with 4 fingers so I could benefit from stealing one off each hand of this person.

That or get custom-made gloves.
HAHAHAHA!!!! I was born and raised in So Cal so I never needed gloves until the last 2.5 years as I have found myself on the East Coast. For Christmas this year, my mom actually made me gloves where she cut off the index finger from kid gloves and sewed up the hole. I think alterations for this person would be hard as cutting off a finger from a glove is a lot easier than adding one.

Here's a pic of my left hand I took my first day as a married lady - it's more deformed than my right hand (less functioning, more awkward finger lengths, and some fused metacarpals and deformities that extend into my forearm more than on the right side)


Anywho, I am very open to talking about my situation so bring on the questions if you have any!

(I think this smiley has 4 fingers too...hehe...)
I agree, to assume that he'll be great at something just because of 6 fingers is a bit much I think. He might be, but I'd hate for him to have this huge expectation put upon him and for him to feel as though he had to hold up to it.

Since someone else posted a photo of their hand, here's mine so in case you ever meet me, you don't have to wonder and ask me dumb questions like "Did you spill paint on your hands?" or "what dyed your hand?" ..sigh..

It's where the capillaries are dilated and are close to the surface of the skin. It's actually kind of interesting because it does change color, like if I'm cold or hot.


There you are! Anyone else want to share their anomalies? Haha maybe this should have been a thread in and of itself..
Nothing on my hand, but I have a scar on my face. It's right by my left eye, between the eye and the nose. No one made fun of me for it in school, I'm assuming since I was with the same people from kindergarden on up...but I do get asked all the time "what happened to your face?" "What did you do to your face?" interesting enough--its normally not people who saw me for the first time, but people who i've seen several times and "just noticed".

There are times when it does make me insecure...I was going to get it lazered off(it is raised) when I was in highschool..but came to realise it's a part of who I am. I was born with it, had it my entire life--its me.
"Oh, you're tall; you must be good at basketball", for example.

I've gotten that soooo much. I was really tall when I was younger....and people always asked me if I played basketball. Actually, I rather stink at all sports.....

And yes, I have a hand abnormality. it's called a swan's neck:

I've gotta wear a special ring on my right middle finger all the time to keep it for getting worse and requiring surgery.
Never had anyone comment on mine, but my middle finger is curved. Runs in my dad's family, we all have it. Matched on both hands even.

Been painting and doing a lot of wood/tile work today, they look like they've taken a beating! :)


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Oh wow! Thats really interesting!

Chinzilla - I assume that you don't have any difficulty doing everyday things? Because you have had this since birth, right. I'd love to hear more about this!!
Chinzilla - I assume that you don't have any difficulty doing everyday things? Because you have had this since birth, right. I'd love to hear more about this!!

Well, I can't do a cartwheel and we bought an electric device that opens cans, jars, and bottles all in one because my small hands/lack of upper body strength makes those things difficult. Other than that, really no difficulties. I can type decently fast even using only 3 fingers to type, graduated from a top university through the honors program, cook, clean, scrapbook, snowboard...

You're right about it being easier since I was born that way. People have asked me if I wished that I could have surgery to get an extra finger. The answer is NO. I would have to relearn how to do everything even down to tying my shoes!

I have had 10 difficult surgeries, however, to make my hands more functioning. I was actually born without thumbs so what you may see as a thumb in any of my photos is actually my index finger.
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My cousin Katy was born with only one hand. The other arm goes up to her wrist, then she has little x's wheere her figners were susposed to grow and a little nub thing for a thumb. We were really close growing up because she is a day younger than me and I remember her being asked about it a lot, but never teased because of the way she handled it (no pun intended).

She would say something like "This is just how God made me" or "We all have something specia-what do you have that is special?" She was always so nice and calm about it, that kids just didn't bother her about it. She has a mechanical arm with a hand on it, but I've never even seen her wear it. She went on to be a cheer leader and took nationals with her team, and this month is having a baby boy!!!

I think it's the way you were raised to handle it that changes how people treat you for it
That's awesome!

Thinking we need that electric device, neither of my housemates can work a can opener decently... lol.

It's $20 at Bed, Bath & Beyond (and often you can get 20% off coupons for that place).

When my husband first wanted to buy it for me I was stubborn about it....I finally caved in when he came home and I was practically in tears because I had been trying to cook dinner for 2 hours and had 2 jars I couldn't open.