Since we're on the topic of horses.... meet Milo!

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Since everyone seems to be posting about their horses, I thought I'd share my guy!

Milo is a 16 y/o TB/QH cross gelding who I've had for 3.5 years. I've been riding him for about 2.5 years now and he's come a long way. His history is sketchy, all I know for sure is that he had been passed on to at least 5 different people over a 2 year period, and then he came to me. He'll hopefully be with me forever.
He had a lot of issues when I bought him, both under saddle and on the ground (didn't tie, didn't clip, reared, rushed jumps horribly etc). He's come such a long way... and I'm very happy with where he's at because I've done every single bit of training on him. I'm working with a great trainer for *me*- I take lessons- but she's never been on him and the very few times a friend has gotten on him, he's gone horribly for her but goes well for me.

Anyways, sorry for the long post- as you can tell I've come to love mr. Milo a ton (though it took a while to happen) and am quite proud of him.
Here are some pics!

This is what he looked like when I bought him (notice horrible lack of muscle):

Dressage at our event in June:

One of my senior pictures;

Jumping 2'6-

First jumper show!

A couple more pics to come!
A few more...

Waiting for our XC round at our first event (I was so nervous I forgot to put boots on him!)

Waiting for results after finishing our first event!

A bareback ride in the only snow fall we've had this year:

Messing around with my new camera:

Thanks for looking!!!
Oh my, you scared me at first. I thought that was what he was like now. Oh he is just beautiful!

Oh no! Haha- that's what he was like when I bought him.... it was awful :yuck:

He's in much better condition now.:heart3:
He is so beautiful!!!! I really love your senior picture. Its definitely one you should think about framing!
Aww he's so pretty! I'm an eventer too...yay! Where in VA are you...I have a bunch of friends who live down there. I actually lived there for about 6 months last year and I'll eventually be going back. :)
Wow, that is such a happy story for Milo. He has made quite the turn around. I agree that senior pic is great of both of you. The horses that get passed around and have troubled pasts really appreciate it when they finally get to have their own person and will give 110% for you. I have a 23 year old TB I've had for almost 12 years now that was abandoned at a trail riding stable of all places and got stuck in a pasture with no grain over the winter. He didn't look as bad as Milo started but pretty close. We also ended up eventing, he just loved to jump and would save my butt in situations most horses would have bailed. He's now happily retired but he has been the best horse I could imagine. I'm sure now that Milo realizes he's not going anywhere he will be sure to pay you back.
He's gorgeous! I can see the bond between you in your senior pic. He knows he is much loved!
Aww he's so pretty! I'm an eventer too...yay! Where in VA are you...I have a bunch of friends who live down there. I actually lived there for about 6 months last year and I'll eventually be going back. :)

I'm in Leesburg, VA... so not far from a ton of events. Unfortunately I don't have access to a trailer (another boarder has a step-up stock trailer but she covered the whole thing in boards so it's dark when the door is shut and he hates it), but luckilly we're right next door to a farm that holds events and jumper shows, so we just hack down!

Lucky for Mi, he's going to get another few months off again :( I just found out yesterday that I have been walking/riding since November with a torn tendon and I have to have surgery to fix it, so I'll have to have at least 3 months off.
That's awesome! I lived in Purcellville...that's funny!
Oh no! That's not good :( Hopefully you'll be back in the saddle soon. :)