Silly girl!

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2014
I just wanted to share something I have noticed being a new chin momma. My little girl bee nibbles my finger as if she is saying hello then goes on her merry way! I think it is very cute. I also wanted to share I bought her a fleece tube and she definitely lays and sleeps there then on her ledges or hammock does anyone else's fur kids do the same? :)
I don't have any tubes as of yet, but my boy has loved his hammock since I added it to his house. It's now routine that each night after playtime, he eats and follows it up with a hammock nap. During the daytime hours, he tends to sleep in one of his hay tunnels.
Thanks for all the responses I have one more question after I feed her she chews on the metal bars of her cage for about an hour and then she goes in her fleece tube and goes to sleep does anybody know why she would do that?