Poppy the mosaic squibbit
Today I came home from work and when I got out of the car I hear a cat crying that unhappy, help me meow. I look around and I see my grey tiger striped cat, Twitch on the porch roof of the neighbors house across the street! It's very cold out and the cat is crying, crying, crying. So I go in to tell my son Twitch is on the neighbors roof and he said he heard a cat crying last night when he let the dogs out but he couldn't figure out where it was coming from. It was too dark to see the cat on the roof. So I go over to access the situation and I see that the cat probably got up there by climbing a large pine tree whose branches reach over to the roof. So I stand by the pine tree and call the kitty, hoping he'd come down. The neighbors come out and the man says he heard the cat last night, too, but couldn't find it, either. The man goes to get a long ladder, leans it against the house and climbs up the ladder to rescue my kitty. When the neighbor man gets up there, he says "Where did it go?" A second or two after that the kitty plops to the ground from the pine tree. Twitch had climbed down on his own. I was so embarrassed to inconvenience my neighbors like that. I can't figure out why the cat was crying like he was in a bad situation when he just climbed down a few minutes after I went over there and called him. I don't know why he spent the night up there when he could have gotten down. Maybe he didn't KNOW he could get back down that way? I don't know. What a crazy cat. :thinking: