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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
Just a few minutes ago, my chin was standing in one spot, and shuddering a little bit, but I can't figure out why. She did it for a solid 2mins, and when she finally moved I went over to inspect and could see no cause for it on the cage floor or on her.

Looking for possible causes of this behavior?
Progression, I got her out of her cage, petted her for a little while, let her run around a bit, but when I went to pick her back up and put her back in, she acted panicked (normally lets me pick her up) and disoriented (running into walls, her closed cage door, etc.)
Sounds like it may have been some sort of seizure. I would get her in to a vet. I'm not sure if it warrants an emergency trip or a regular appointment, hopefully someone with more experience will chime in.
I would have her checked, too. I think it can wait until you can get an appointment for her (unless she keeps having seizures or has difficulty walking, eating or drinking).
I'm not entirely sure on seizure. Would've expected her to fall on her side if that were the case, and when it was over she bolted around her cage without being disoriented. Was only when I got her out a bit later that she was like that. She seems fine now, but I'll still schedule and appointment just in case.
The tricky thing with stuff like seizures is they come in all shaped and styles, Including partial seizures that dont affect the whole body/brain. It's possible it could be many things, but I think a vet check up is safest, esp if its something that can get worse with time. Also, confusion and disorientation is a halmark of post-seizure behavior in humans and some animals.
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