Should you neuter/spay a Chinchilla?

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Ship-Captain Sam
Aug 2, 2013
Sparks, NV
As a new Chin mom this is a question I have.

If there's no medical or sensible reason to spay or neuter an animal: I won't.

My rabbit is neutered because I know of many issues that can arise without neutering and also extreme behavioral issues he was having which were fixed by neutering.

My dog is neutered because he is a rescue and I either way strongly believe in spaying/neutering dogs and cats to prevent accidental litters unless you're a breeder.

But, is there any actual need for spaying/neutering a Chinchilla?

I've seen people say yes and people say no (but mostly no) which is why I am confused and asking for input.

Unless not neutering him would cause any harm or extreme behavioral issues I don't believe I'll neuter him.

I also don't plan on getting another Chinchilla, and if I were I would either have it be male or separate at all times. Nor do I know anybody with a Chinchilla at all.

Thanks, all!
There is no benefit to spaying or neut a chin. If you don't want to risk kits then only adopt males when you grow your chin family.