Should i post more pics or are you guys worn out on them?

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Not sure if i should post any pics anymore.
if there is anyone who'd like to see some more of the
chin girls let me know.
Well... if anyone was worn out of seeing pictures they wouldn't visit the Chit Chat section because this is what the section is for. :err:
Just add them to your original picture thread, like you were told before, and no one has a problem. As you have been told repeatedly, the issue arises when you start 10 threads with the same thing.

People love looking at pictures of all chins, yours included. What they don't like is having to wade through the same thing in every single chinchilla subforum.
Exactly like Peggy said, we're not sick of your photos, it's just annoying to see 10 threads by the same person clogging up the forum. It makes it hard to find anything else we're looking for and we have to click 10 different threads to see your photos. Just make one picture thread and post new pictures to it. We'll see it, threads are bumped to the top when there are new posts in them. Ok?
I see. Sorry, please do disregard my initial post, because I had not known about the situation. I agree with everyone else. Instead of posting new threads everytime you want to post one picture, add onto an old thread. The old thread will be bumped to the top and it will be visible to all, instead of just creating a new one.
Once you said you didn't know how to add pics to an existing thread. If that's the problem just ask. See if it's the same topic it should be contained in one thread, otherwise it just clutters up as shown below, plus when they're in one thread I can look at the other older pics that have been posted. A cute photo can be enjoyed more than 1 look. You're not being singled out, this appies to everyone and has been addressed before with others. Now be quiet LOL and go take some new pics. Theresa
Rachelsastarr pics vol#1
Rachelsastarr pics vol#2
Rachelsastarr pics vol#3
Rachelsastarr pics vol#4
Rachelsastarr pics vol#5
Rachelsastarr pics vol#6
Rachelsastarr pics vol#7
Just add them to your old posts, then its like a whole little photo album in one link :]
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