should i give my chins supplement?

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New member
Jul 29, 2009
southern CA
I am new to this forum and was wondering if I should start giving my two chins supplement on a regular basis. I have two female chins that are about four-five months old and know that they were given supplement on a regular basis at the place that I bought them from (la chins). Right now, I am feeding them the pellets that the chins came with and will switch them to either Oxbow or Mazuri pretty soon. I do give them an occasional shredded wheat and was going to start giving them a pinch of whole oats/rolled oats/crushed rose hips mixture. Do you think that what I am giving them now is enough or should I start giving them supplement? If supplement is recommended, which one should I use? I am definitely worried about overdoing it. Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated.
Before you think of switching to a different brand of pellets, find out what type of pellets your chins are on from the breeder you got them from. You may be able to give them the same food they are accostumed too. I get supplement from my breeder and give it out to my chins sparingly. I give it to them twice a month, sometimes three times per month. They do love it! But I also give healthy treats of dried rose hips, and plain shredded wheat.
LA Chins is run by the Neubauer's (Bowen's Chinchillas). They have a mill make their own special formula for them. Unless you want to keep going to them for food, switching would be your best bet. Supplement is not necessary if you use a good pellet and hay (Oxbow and Mazuri are both good), though many people, including myself, do use it. I use Ryerson's supplement.