Should I get this Chin?

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Gonna keck your butt ;)
Sep 15, 2010
Good morning all! :)

I wrote in a previous post about how I felt sad about spliting up "the family" and as silly as it seems, I have decided to try and get Tribble a male buddy. I know this could be very difficult, but I think if they get along, I will feel much better. If not, I will have four chins and two that hate eachother. LOL.

My question is: Tribble will be in his own cage in about two-three weeks. I was looking on Craigslist and found a lady that has four chins she would like to sell. The mom and dad Chin are four years old and then she has a 1 yr old baby girl and six month baby boy. I asked her about just buying the boy. She said that would be fine. She then told me that they had the sibling of the one year old die months ago. This kinda made me think. I asked her how the chin died and she replied that it just stopped eating. They took him to the vet but it didn't make it. She really didn't give any other details though. The little boy I want to adopt looks pretty good. The only thing I noticed was that he might not be getting his dust baths enough, fur didn't look as good as my chins.

If I do buy him and keep him in 30 day quarantine, would that be safe? When you guys say quarantine, do you mean just seperate cage or completely seperate room?

What do you guys think? Should I just forget it and look somewhere else?
Well ultimately it is up to you. If you have the time, money, and space, go for it. Quarantine means a completely separate cage in a completely separate room. Absolutely no contact for 30 days. Just be prepared for them to not get along and have to have a whole other cage and buying more of everything. ;)

It's hard telling why the sibling died. Without details, we can only speculate and even then there's a huge variety of things that could have happened. Just stopping eating is a symptom of something larger really, and a symptom of many things. Many sick and/or injured chins go off their feed. He could have had something physically wrong with him, or he could have contracted an illness. Like I said, we'd never be able to tell without a necropsy and more details. The 6 month old could be completely healthy. It's just a chance many people take when buying chins off of CL instead of a reputable breeder, but every chin deserves a home and if this one has caught your eye, go for it.
Thanks Stackie.

Well, I bought Chichi off Craigslist and she ended up being pregnant. LOL, so maybe I should stay off CL. :p

Do you think 30 days would be enough quarantine time to tell if the little boy was healthy?
It seems that most diseases in chins run in a 14 day incubation. If after 14 days they aren't displaying symptoms, they "probably" won't. That, of course, cannot account for giardia because giardia is a forever illness. They can get a flare of it just from being stressed.

So yes, a 30 day quarantine is plenty. If something is going to show up, it will show up by then.
I see you're in Ohio. If you feel better buying from a reputable breeder, who not take a trip out to the Ryerson's? They have lots of chins to choose from. I've nought 2 of their babies and both are great. No health problems so far, great eaters, adapted very well with my other chins! You can also buy Tradition pellets, alfalfa cubes, and dust at great prices through them. (Not sure where you are in Ohio though. Maybe too far away?)
Jess- I am in NE Ohio- Canton area. I have never heard of Ryerson's, and I see they are in Plymouth, OH. They are two hours away from me. Hmmmm. How much did you pay for your babies?
I am also from Cleveland Ohio and will be driving from Houston to Cleveland (Chardon) to be with my family for Christmas. Is the Ryerson's or forCHINate addresses on here? I may like to stop by there if they are open during that time, maybe for some dust...or you just never know I may find my baby a buddy.
There are alot of breeders in OH. Ryerson, Shoots, Ritterspach, ForCHINate, I think the Baars. I'm sure there are more but those came across first.

Both of my chins are from craigslist and they have been perfect for me but I live in Western-central New York. If you're worried about it, I might just wait until a new seller pops up. I've found that a lot of people have no clue what they're doing but have happy, healthy chins for sale.