Should I get a Hedgie?

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user 17829

New member
Dec 27, 2021
So I am a newer hedgie mom, my first ever baby died a very traumatic death last week after only having her for a month and a half. Well I was looking at another breeders website out of curiosity and was interested in an adult they had for sale. I am nearing the end of the grieving process I think? I don't always cry when I see her cage set up and I was able to clean her cage out and pack away her things. On the breeders website they're selling retired breeding females for $75 and I was really interested, but I don't know if it's too soon. I have everything this 2yr old could want or need, but I refuse to let the new hedgie have or play with anything my first baby touched, so I am more than willing to buy new toys and hutches. What's your opinion, I'm so in-between if I should get her or not, please help!
Welcome to the forums and sorry about your loss. I hope you'll be able to get some opinions and come up with the best decision.
I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

I think the only one who really knows if you're ready for a new hedgie is you. Just speaking for myself, I've found that it often helps me cope with the loss of a pet to have a new pet I can focus my attention on. The new pet isn't a replacement for the one I lost, but having a new animal to love and dote on gives me something to focus on besides my pain and loss. I can grieve my old pet while also feeling hopeful and optimistic about a new beginning. But again, that's just me. Not everyone feels the same way.

The fact that you were looking at breeders' websites and felt drawn to a particular hedgie suggests to me that you're starting to look forward, but only you can know if and when you're ready. I think it's one of those deeply personal decisions that nobody else can make for you.
So I am a newer hedgie mom, my first ever baby died a very traumatic death last week after only having her for a month and a half. Well I was looking at another breeders website out of curiosity and was interested in an adult they had for sale. I am nearing the end of the grieving process I think? I don't always cry when I see her cage set up and I was able to clean her cage out and pack away her things. On the breeders website they're selling retired breeding females for $75 and I was really interested, but I don't know if it's too soon. I have everything this 2yr old could want or need, but I refuse to let the new hedgie have or play with anything my first baby touched, so I am more than willing to buy new toys and hutches. What's your opinion, I'm so in-between if I should get her or not, please help!
I am so sorry for your loss. I’m not sure exactly how this site works, and if I’m out of line I hope the administration will let me know. You said you are looking for another chin to replace your baby. I am trying to find a loving, safe home for my sweet boy, now two years old, who came to live with my husband and me over a year ago when my son’s landlord decided he couldn’t keep him. I will go out on a limb and say he’s the best little guy in the whole world (others will claim theirs is, but they haven’t met Piglet :) ) and I adore him, but my husband has never been keen and I promised it would be temporary when we took him in. I’ve been reluctant to put anything out there about needing to find him a good home, because I know how delicate these beautiful creatures are and don’t want him to go to a home that just thinks they’re cute. I’ve been in touch with a rescue, but they are completely full and don’t know how long it would take. If I could find someone who already knows the habits of chins, loves them and is dedicated to their care, I would be so relieved to find him an adoptive home. Of course geography plays a part - I live in Vermont. I’d be willing to do some driving to meet someone, but if you’re in Oregon or somewhere I know it wouldn’t work. I don’t want money for him; I want to know he is loved, cherished and taken care of. Whatever you decide to do, good luck to you.
Mae, first let say I am sorry for your loss. I’ve been involved with hedgie rescue for 25 years, lost many, it never gets easier. But, as my vet says, it shouldn’t. When the passing becomes painless it shows we’ve lost the value of a little life.
I have a strong belief that our pets would want us to give that love and caring we have for them to another when they leave us. As said before, a new pet isn’t a replacement as no two will ever be the same. But it is a way to honor the one before.
As for replacing everything with new, that is a personal choice unless there was a health issue that would prevent sharing items.
The fact a breeder is retiring the hedgies st two years speaks well of that breeder! Obviously carrying for the hedgies before profit.
Follow your heart. It will not let you down.
So I am a newer hedgie mom, my first ever baby died a very traumatic death last week after only having her for a month and a half. Well I was looking at another breeders website out of curiosity and was interested in an adult they had for sale. I am nearing the end of the grieving process I think? I don't always cry when I see her cage set up and I was able to clean her cage out and pack away her things. On the breeders website they're selling retired breeding females for $75 and I was really interested, but I don't know if it's too soon. I have everything this 2yr old could want or need, but I refuse to let the new hedgie have or play with anything my first baby touched, so I am more than willing to buy new toys and hutches. What's your opinion, I'm so in-between if I should get her or not, please help!
I am sorry for the loss you have suffered. I am interested to learn more about this. If you feel better you can contact me.