Should I be worried?

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My chin was doing good after I switched his food :)
But I just recently wanted to try this new hay,
But now his poop is black.
Is that normal?
And also-
His fur on his back has become rougher. Not as soft.
I think it's gotten a little bit worse.
I'm just not sure of what to do. Maybe it's his dust?
What kind of Dust are you using? Is it Blue cloud? I know when I first got my chin, I was using the pet store dust and Herby's fur was rough and course and after I switched over to Blue Cloud, it got all nice and soft.
Different colored poop is fine, you're switching his food and hay it's going to change somewhat, I mean yours doesn't stay the same always does it? It's natural for it to change, it's if he stops pooping or they become small and hard that you need to worry or if they become squishy.

The fur issue most likely is from the dust.