My little bella has grown into a wonderful pig. She sleeps in her little tunnel or in her hedgie sock. However, today, we had a bath (toothbrush, little thing of water, and earthbath shampoo (aloe and oatmeal)). After the bath, she gets a treat, of mealworms or some such. Today, I whipped out the plain unsugared natural yogurt, and she went BONKERS!
She tipped the dish (nearly on herself, my poor baby had little yogurt feet), and dipped her nose in. Almost immediately, it looked like she seized up, her teeth were showing, her head awkwardly cranked over her shoulder. Her body, rather than the puffy body i'm used to went flat (like, raising hackles on a dog), and she started aggressively licking her bum, her shoulder, and the top of her head..
A) is it common, with foods, to anoint?
B) is this .."seized" motion the typical anoint?
C) are hedgehogs left or right side oriented (like humans, left or right hand.) because all of her anoints were on the left of her body.
Thanks! :dance3:
She tipped the dish (nearly on herself, my poor baby had little yogurt feet), and dipped her nose in. Almost immediately, it looked like she seized up, her teeth were showing, her head awkwardly cranked over her shoulder. Her body, rather than the puffy body i'm used to went flat (like, raising hackles on a dog), and she started aggressively licking her bum, her shoulder, and the top of her head..
A) is it common, with foods, to anoint?
B) is this .."seized" motion the typical anoint?
C) are hedgehogs left or right side oriented (like humans, left or right hand.) because all of her anoints were on the left of her body.
Thanks! :dance3: