Separation anxiety in dogs?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I have been looking up symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs. My American Eskimo dog had a mild form years ago, but seemed to outgrow it with age. My five year old miniature poodle seems to be suffering from this, or perhaps she is just clingy? She has the constant need to be with me. She is always under foot and follows me everywhere. My family has three other dogs, but she does not seem to prefer their company. Occasionally she will play with them, but not often. When she is away from me she paces. She does the same thing in the dog run. She spends the night whining and barking if she can't sleep with me. She refuses to let any other dog in my room, or on my bed. When sleeping with me she has to be touching me. Most of the time she sleeps curled around my head. She will share the bed with the cat though. She actually plays more with the cats then she does with the dogs. Lately she has been throwing a fit when locked in her crate. She digs and paces, as well as whining and barking. She cannot be trusted alone in the house. She pulls stuff out of the trash cans to chew on and eat. My American Eskimo is the only dog left uncrated. I have looked into dog training, but most private lessons are 80 + dollars for an hour. I can't afford those type of lessons, which is what she needs. She shakes and is terrified around dogs outside of my family. At the vets she will always sit on my lap. She also is not good around people. She is not trusting. She barks and hides behind me. She is slow to warm up to people, it took her months to even be willing to take a treat from my best friend. But she will only grab the treat and run back to me. Im probably an enabler, allowing her to act like this. I never had these types of problems with my other dog, nor the poodle my family had when I was little into my early adulthood. I have been trying to work with her on my own, but she refuses to listen to me. Im looking into a dog training class for basic obedience in a group setting. This would be much more affordable for me. I'm also wondering if I should call my vet to see if they can give her something to help, or perhaps an herbal remedy?