Separate sleeping areas?

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New member
Apr 17, 2015
I have 2 bonded female chins (mother and daughter) who are caged together that I recently adopted. The previous owner didn't have a house for them to sleep in, they would huddle together in the bottom of their cage. I just upgraded to a FN182 cage, and I gave them a house that both of them can fit in, but noticed that only one of them will sleep in there at a time. The other one will either sleep right outside it, or on a shelf. Is this some sort of defense behavior, or do I need a separate house for each one?
Chins in pairs love to cuddle, but some time out every now and again is also healthy. In my experience with my mosaic sisters, they will argue over one apple stick even though they each have their own and wait in line to use the water bottle even though they have three. It doesn't sound like your chins' behavior is anything to worry about, they're probably just exploring new ways to experience a cage with more options. You could get another house if you wanted, just to see how they would react, but I wouldn't be concerned unless there are changes in their consumption, weight, or behavior (I wouldn't count a first reaction to a new situation a change in behavior, since the environment has changed for them as well).
I have two bonded female chins in a multilevel critter nation cage. I have two houses in there but they normally both sleep on top of one of the houses. Or one will sleep on top and the other to the side. It's just different chin personality.
They are most likely just not used to having a house. Just because you put one in the cage doesn't mean they are going to jump to be inside. It's okay though, they are just being chins. Some will like a house others will not. It's normal. I would just leave the one house for now and see what happens. The only time I put more than one house in a cage is when I have a colony and they can't all fit their big butts in one together.
They won't always sleep together. I have a bonded pair that will sleep on their own or sleep together. It just depends on their mood.