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My chin, Jambi, is almost 3 years old. When we first got our 2nd chin and started introducing them, they would play/fight really hard and Jambi started having hypoglycemic seizures when he would play a little too hard. We started limiting playtime, keeping raisins on hand, and they started getting along better, and the seizures stopped completely. He hasn't had one in over a year.

Tonight, I let them out separately for playtime because they still don't get along well. Jambi wasn't out for very long, only about 20 minutes, and I put him back in the cage and gave him a rosehip. About half an hour later I heard a loud noise and looked up to see him flopped on his side, and then he fell off his shelf. I ran and pulled him out of the cage and he started convulsing. Once he stopped, he started trying to get away like he was fine, and then started convulsing again a few minutes later. This has been going on for almost an hour now. When he had his seizures before, it would be a few minutes at most and then he would be fine.

I put him back in his cage so he could relax, took out all his shelves and put his hammock really low so he can't fall out of it (the bottom of the hammock is touching the bottom of the cage). I tried giving him pellets, hay, rosehips, and even a raisin and he won't touch any of it. It doesn't seem to be as bad anymore, and it isn't as frequent, but he's still not right. He's curled up in the corner of his cage and he's still convulsing every 5 minutes or so.

I'm scared to death, please if anyone knows anything I can do that I haven't already tried that could help him let me know.
I don't have any Karo syrup. It's been so long since I've had to worry about him having seizures that I don't keep any around anymore.

He seems to be coming out of it now, he's not curled up in a ball in the corner anymore. He's walking around his cage a little more, wondering where all his stuff went and looking at me like I'm crazy for watching him. He hasn't convulsed in about 10 minutes or so.

I'm concerned that this wasn't caused by hypoglycemia, or if it was that his hypoglycemia is getting worse. He wasn't out for very long at all, and he was out alone, so he wasn't playing hard or fighting. And, this lasted so long. I noticed he was having problems at about 12:05 and it's 1:39 now, about an hour and a half of seizing. Does anyone have experience with this? Should I start giving him a piece of a raisin or karo syrup every day? He usually gets 1 rosehip at night and an apple stick, nothing sugary for the last year or so.

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I don't have experience with this, I'm sure someone can help more tomorrow. You need to remove all his shelves, make a nice comfy covered house on his floor. He needs to stay on the ground now. I understand with people they are very tired after this, so I bet he will sleep a long time.
He needs to see a vet. A quick seizure from hypoglycemia is one thing. A cluster of seizures that continues for an extended period of time is something entirely different. I would get him to a vet and get him looked at, as well has having some labs drawn to make sure there is nothing going on there. I would also be concerned about neurological damage. When a dog seizes over and over like that, that's a huge concern.
I'll echo Peggy's post - he needs to be seen by a vet if he has had a prolonged fit.
Please do keep us posted on his progress.