
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hello, I am looking to breed my hedgie.

Anyone in Toledo with a male hedgehog?

Also, looking for a black hedgie.

These seem to be hard to find in my case,

Can anyone help?
Welcome to the group! Is there any particular reason you have decided to breed? Though I'm sure you've started your research, I strongly recommend looking through some of material on this site about breeding. There's a lot of good information (some of it is unpleasant) but worthwhile looking at before you make this decision. Again, welcome!
Have you checked with the breeder of your girl about getting a suitable mate for her? The breeder can ensure they are not related and that the lines are clean.

You won't find a black. They are rare and breeders who have them are not usually willing to give them up.
oh, that's disappointing :(
The black ones are really cute in my opinion.
and yes, I've asked my breeder and she sent me to another lady with a boy.
She kept mine for a week so fingers crossed!