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<---House beaver.
Jan 12, 2010
Ah the joy of scritches during playtime.


Almost there.

That's the spot!

Why did you stop?!
oh shelly!!! loving those scritches!

i cant get over how adorable she is!
Oh Shelly you are too cute! Despite your enormous attitude....none of my boys would let me give them scritches when they are out for playtime!
Aw come on Shelly, you can train your Mommy better then that ;)
Aw come on Shelly, you can train your Mommy better then that ;)

Her mommy is very well trained. :neener:

Oh Shelly you are too cute! Despite your enormous attitude....none of my boys would let me give them scritches when they are out for playtime!

LOL! I've got her to the point where she will sit on my lap for 15 - 20 minutes and I will give her scritches with both hands. She get full body scritches.

Yes I know she is spoiled.
Shelly is so beautiful! Look at those scritchies! My girls sometimes let me scritch, but it's rare. :( You are both so lucky!
Oh Shelly, you are so beautiful. I don't care that you are spoiled cuz that's the way it should be, LOL! Every time I see your pretty face reminds me of how much I want to have one that looks like you. Stay spoiled Shelly and the next time your mommy stops the scritches, you turn around and bite her :D!