Scariest book?

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I need some new reading material, and was wondering what is the scariest book you've ever read?:)
Stephen King books...hands down. I wasn't able to sleep for weeks sometimes!
I've always been a Stephen King fan. My grandmother owns all his books - so when I was young I would go up to her loft and pick out a book and read it. I've read a fair amount of them. The short stories was pretty scary. There is an encyclopedia of them out there.
Yes, "It" is very scary but the first thing that came to my mind was "Helter Skelter" the true story about the Manson murders. I remember reading that when I was fairly young and it still scares me.
I'm with everyone... 'It' is terrifying. My dad read the first 30 pages put it down and has never picked up another Stephen King book since. I made it through but didn't sleep for ages. Salems lot is good too.
I never read It but saw the movie. It's just creepy because I hate clowns. But I thought the ending was really dumb. But I'm more into things that can actually happen..
Anything by Gary Braunbeck. I'm a big horror fan and have recently discovered his writing. Those are books that stay with you for a looooong time.
Oh, man, I remember that book! I agree, it's an oldie but a goodie.

You know, I *HATE* scary/creepy/suspense/etc. I picked this one up because it's by the guy who did Princess Bride - so I thought I was going to get another lighthearted fantasy (I make it a policy to not read the back of the book/dustjacket flap until after I'm done with the book). Little did I know... It's one of those books that once started, one has to keep going - I read it all in one night. Read it once 15 years ago, and I still remember it. I just try not to think about it too much :p
Anything by Ruby Jean Jensen....unfortunately her stuff is out of print so is hard to find some of her stuff but if you can find the Dark Angel one it is perhaps the scariest/creepiest....I liked the wait and see one and smoke and jump evil was good too!
Stephen King's Salem's Lot--WAY too scary to even comprehend for me. Stephen King is one the most descriptive writer's I've ever read and Salem's Lot was the last book of his I read because of that. He is too vivid--too real and his vampires were so creepy and scary!
Stephen King's Salem's Lot--WAY too scary to even comprehend for me. Stephen King is one the most descriptive writer's I've ever read and Salem's Lot was the last book of his I read because of that. He is too vivid--too real and his vampires were so creepy and scary!

I've read a few Stephen King books like The Shining and The Stand, and sometimes I find the descriptions a little too descriptive and I get a little distracted from the plot. I am definitely going to read It. I don't know about Salem's Lot, I tend to like my vampires sexy not creepy:thumbsup:. I am definitely going to check out the writers and other books suggested!
'Salem's Lot - Stephen King
The Exorcist - William P. Blatty (I couldn't sleep for DAYS - my mum knocked on my door and I dove under the bed out of fear)
The Stranger Beside Me - Ann Rule (true story about her time with Ted Bundy)
Helter Skelter - Vincent Bugliosi
Heh another horror fan here too. Stephen King is good, my favourites from him are It and Pet Sematary.

I'd recomend reading Clive Barkers Books of Blood collection, some really memorable stuff there. Oh and I am Legend is fantastic, just very short. Poe and Lovecraft are worth checking aswell, grandaddies of horror :p
I never read It but saw the movie. It's just creepy because I hate clowns. But I thought the ending was really dumb. But I'm more into things that can actually happen..

Oh honey! You can't base Stephen King stories off the movies! All the movies are silly compared to the books because there is so much in the storyline that just CANNOT be replicated on screen (or at least couldn't when the film was made). I mean, The Shining (the Jack Nicholson version) was a great movie but it did no justice to the book... and don't even get me started on It! Haha I love Tim Curry but that movie was just awful!

I do love King's visuals... Just reading the prologue to "Rose Madder" almost made me vomit. It's a great book. I would also suggest "Needful Things."
Oh, "The Tommyknockers" is another favorite.

Stay away from "The Dead Zone," it was lame. I just finished "Bag of Bones" a few months ago... it was great!

As far as other authors, I will agree with "The Exorcist," and anything Anne Rice (even if it's not quite horror in the same sense really)