Scared chin

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
Every now and then one of my daughter chins will get very scared out of no where. Now i no their are plenty of things they can perceive that I might not be aware of. But she will get overly scared for hours on end.

It usually starts in the late evening. She will start making her warning call over and over. Every few or every other minute she will sound off again. (The other four chins seems fine)
Also their main safe spot is the over sized hut. For the kids they use the fleece shelf liner as a secondary hiding/sleeping place. Pic of hut/liner. But she will always run into that liner and stay their all night. She will not come out. She will not even take a treat of any kind. She just stays in their sounding off with her warning call.

Now this happens every now and then. Theirs never been any harm or anything. And shes always fine the next day. But this week it occurred on their sand bath night. And she would not even come out for THAT! I even took her out of the liner and put her down on the tray with the dust bath, and still would not use it!
In the last five years or so, iv never seen any of my chins miss a sand bath for ANYTHING. (Or their treats for that matter) So i was a bit surprised.
But as usual the next day she was perfectly fine, and i gave her a sand bath then and she was more then excited to get it.

The sand bath was a new touch this time. But the rest is always the same. She is about 11 months old (how time passes...). Everything else is fine to. Food, drink poop, all normal. Gets along with cage mates.

Anyone else experience anything like that with any of their chins?
My chins will sometimes stare at the walls of my apartment with a scared/alarmed look on their face and make alarm calls. I assume they hear things I can't and they are usually ok within a few minutes. I've also done the petting/treats distraction attempt and they will ignore me in these instances when they are alarmed.

I would think that since all your other chins aren't responding the same way that there is something your girl hears and isn't used to, or maybe it just really bugs her. But honestly, I don't think there's anything wrong if she's eating, drinking, pooping, destroying normal all other times.
this may be a long shot, but have you had a new neighbour move in above you before this one chin started doing this? you live in an apartment, right? might be this chin is alarmed due to some noise the neighbour above you is making when they come home in the evening. the other chins may not care about it.

just my thought.
this may be a long shot, but have you had a new neighbour move in above you before this one chin started doing this? you live in an apartment, right? might be this chin is alarmed due to some noise the neighbour above you is making when they come home in the evening. the other chins may not care about it.

just my thought.

Actuly that was something i had thought about. Were on the top floor, the current ppl below us moved in somewhere around 6 months ago. Maybe a bit more. I rly dont keep track. And they do have a small dog that occasionaly barks up a storm. But if the chins react to that, its with a sudden dash to their hut. I dont recall them ever barking at hearing the dog tho.

The walls here do sux however. Sounds travels a lot. You can hear just about anything. So im sure the chins just love that.
There could be a shadow she is afraid of when a light goes on or is turned off. Moonlight could be casting a shadow on something. She may be observing something as small as the shadow of a bit of fur hanging from something on or around the cage. Since it only happens at night I suspect it has something to do with a shadow or something like that.
In my house its the Tiki spirit that terrorizes chinchillas when she feels like it. Last night Hanny freaked out, made 4 laps around the room jumped up on the the coffe table, reared up, tried to spray and kacked and jumped on his back legs, then he splits and alarm called in the maze, we were like "OOOKAAAYYY, chinchilla.....".
In my house its the Tiki spirit that terrorizes chinchillas when she feels like it. Last night Hanny freaked out, made 4 laps around the room jumped up on the the coffe table, reared up, tried to spray and kacked and jumped on his back legs, then he splits and alarm called in the maze, we were like "OOOKAAAYYY, chinchilla.....".

I trying not to laugh, but...:rofl:
Tiki works on her own schedule when she feels like being mean to boy chins-she was one of the chins in the escape chase a boy and both jump in the toilet escapade.