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So I'm a huge fan of the show Ghost hunters on Sci Fi, well I don't have cable so I sit on our couch next to our chin cage and watch on hulu. (Hurrah for Hulu by the way!) And Petra Loves This show. She gets right next to the bars and gets so into it. If theres a sharp noise or something jumps on the screen she dashes away to their house where Sasha (not a fan) comforts her for maybe 3 seconds and she is back at the bars. It's hilarious! She even drags her favorite chew up to her "watching" perch during commercials. I wish it was fake, just seem so unbelievable.

I'll get a pic soon of her sitting on my laptop watching. She does this if I watch during playtime.

Just thought I would share a cute story.
That is a cute story! Some of my chins also love to watch tv! Both Bobo and GiGi love to stand up and hold onto the bars and watch with me. Since I now have the DVD collection of the defunct TV show Moonlight, GiGi and I can get Mick St. John in the flesh and not fur 24/7! Woot! Woot!
I hope you can get a picture though, I'd love to see it!
Awe! That is real cute

I swear they are more aware than we give them credit for. I can tell the boys perk up when Scott plays his video games - typical, right?!
When the chins could see our TV, my 5 month olds would stare at basketball games. I think they liked the action!

Chins are definitely known to watch TV, it is really funny to see.
Thanks for sharing the stories all. Someday we can have movie day with our chins!

I can undertand why they are watching tv, moving lights images of nouns, voices, sounds. They are just so very curious!
lol, we don't have a TV near the chin room anymore, but it's certainly amazing how often they are paying attention to things happening outside their cages.
ours loves the TV too! We kept him in another room for awhile but he kept whining every evening (our usual TV time) until we moved him back so he could watch with us!

He also loves to hop up on my husband's lap and stare at the computer when he's playing games. It's adorable :hearts: