Scabs on the dog I am watching this week. Vet visit in order?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I am watching a family friend's dog this week, until Sunday. They dropped her off this past Friday. I noticed scabs on her shoulders but didn't think to ask about it. She is a Maltese. Tonight she jumped off of my bed to follow me out of my room. When I saw her two of her scabs had come off. I cleaned her up, but they look like this:


The one that has not opened looks like this:


It almost looks like a hot spot to me.

They didn't leave me a vet's phone number, or money to take her to the vet if something happens.

Im really thinking she needs a vet, but I have no money to take her. I don't even know who their vet is. I sent her owner a text at 2am not even thinking about what time it was.
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I work with 100+ dogs daily. It looks like it could be a hotspot as you said, but it's a doosy of one. Has she been bothering it? Licking/scratching? If she is then it could look that bad because she is not letting it heal and if she messes with it too much it could get infected.

It's hard to tell on my screen, but in the 1st pic, is that pus in the middle?
It looked a bit pussy last night. It has since healed up a bit. It just looks really gross. My mom think it feels hot to the touch.

She came back from the groomer like that apparently. I can't imagine scabs that big from being groomed. Each scab is at least one inch long, and half an inch wide. I have not seen her scratching at it.

I talked to her owners this morning, and Im going to go ahead and take her to their vet. They will just pay me back when they get back from vacation.
Ok, good to know. If there is puss, and hot to the touch, the is definitely pointing to infection.
It was hot spots. She is on medication now and needs the hot spots cleaned with medicated wipes twice a day.

They shaves the areas around the hot spots to open the air flow.

Now her owners owe my mom $115.

Sweet little dog, but alot of work for only charging $60 to take care of her for 9 days ;)