I am watching a family friend's dog this week, until Sunday. They dropped her off this past Friday. I noticed scabs on her shoulders but didn't think to ask about it. She is a Maltese. Tonight she jumped off of my bed to follow me out of my room. When I saw her two of her scabs had come off. I cleaned her up, but they look like this:
The one that has not opened looks like this:
It almost looks like a hot spot to me.
They didn't leave me a vet's phone number, or money to take her to the vet if something happens.
Im really thinking she needs a vet, but I have no money to take her. I don't even know who their vet is. I sent her owner a text at 2am not even thinking about what time it was.

The one that has not opened looks like this:

It almost looks like a hot spot to me.
They didn't leave me a vet's phone number, or money to take her to the vet if something happens.
Im really thinking she needs a vet, but I have no money to take her. I don't even know who their vet is. I sent her owner a text at 2am not even thinking about what time it was.
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