SB keeps stealing everything!?!

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Ok, so lately our little chin buddy S.B. has had way more energy than usual. Now he's begin to steal everything I use in sight. As of late he's decided my bluetooth headset is no longer mine and tries to take it every chance he can get. Now I've heard chins can get rambunctious once it starts getting close to puberty but is he going to turn into a little klepto and make everything I own disappear? I'm not upset by this, its actually really cute when he tries. I'm just wondering if I should be on the look out for my little fuzzy thief.
Yeah they do that, but he is probably trying to call a friend with the blue tooth, try giving him the phone to and see who he is trying to call
Lol, cute! They do love to steal things, wait till you have 2 and they steal from eachother, then kack and steal it back! They sure do freak out if they don't get a treat or drop one, you have to make sure they ALL get one or they will be planning my demise. I think they key is just keeping everything but safe toys away from him.
Yep, their like crows - anything shiny! Watches, glasses - had one try to pull mine off by the middle, above the nosepiece!! And they'll chase a whiskbroom!
Funny critters!
on many occasions i've found Fatty's little stash under the bed. He steals all the chew sticks that Buckie drops out of his cage and !everything! else. I've found a box of tissues under there (the whole box), my wallet, pens, he even took one of my shoes under there. this was a while ago but he even manage to get my nice noise-cancelling earphones out of a drawer tha was just barely open and take them under there....needless to say, they no longer work. they are indeed very very strange little animals.
One of my favorite moments was Nibbler stealing a chopstick and making a mad dash... one kick off the wall and behind the cage... FAIL. Seems a chinchilla with a chopstick in his mouth doesn't quite fit behind a cage. I walked over as he tried a few more times to fit back there, tsk'ed at him and shook my head, and he dropped it and scattered. :D

He tried to steal an unplugged lamp cord once, too. For some reason it didn't work out so good as the cord ran out while he was running full speed. Slid across the floor spinning in circles. :)
I would agree- anything shiny. Baxter tugs on my earings ALL the time - just enough that it's funny, but not hard enough for me to eliminate that little game. He's always disappointed when he realizes they're attached, so then he just bats at my hair.
I've experienced the wallet issue too. Couldn't find my wallet one day and S.B. was under the dresser nibbling away. He seems to love to nibble on leather alot. If its leather he'll try to take it.
We had that problem with Gizmo when I first got him. His favorite was stilling daddies peach cigars out of his shirt pocket. lol (He never chewed them, daddy got them back quickly lol)

It's really bad when theirs 3 in the cages and one or two distracts you while the other takes things lol
Gidget tries to take off my glasses and rings everytime I get anywhere near her.She also grooms my hair.:):):) crazy chinn.
A few days ago, I was eating a Blue Mr freeze the large kind, and Rigsby was out and hopping over me and on and off the couch. All of a sudden he grabs my freeze and was gone! I chase after him and I find him under a table holding it, well holding what he could and eating it, just like a human! He just looked at me as if to say "what? I just wanted to see what it tasted like!" Needless to say I no longer eat around him, lol!