Sandi got busted...

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
For those of you who haven't seen it Sandi posted this on her facebook:

"So the hubby came up with this huge roly poly of a chin and asked, "who the heck is this"? I said it's Benny, Gerry's new playmate & if they decide they don't like each other I can pair him up with Jet. Then he asks, who's Jet? ......"

So I'm wondering, if we don't hear from her how long do we wait before we send out a search party? :hmm:
LOL! That's hilarious...I'm surprised it took him so long to notice :p
My boyfriend is the male version of far, I've discovered 2 rats and a snake.
Holy cow! This is too funny! Thanks for that Brittany. :laughitup: I'm outside on my iPhone while the hubby is grilling. I've been sworn to NOT get anymore chins EVER! Nor anymore roadtrips with Laurie and Peggy but I know he didn't mean it cuz he always says that! I totally had my toes crossed as he kept an eye on all my fingers! He sounded like he was mad at first until Benny escaped his grips (thank you Benny baby)! Then he just dropped the whole thing and shrugged and said I was a lost cause, lol. He never got the explanation as to who was Jet because he only found Benny in the play room and Jet is in my oldest daughter's bedroom, where he isn't allowed in. GB wasn't too hard on me as he knows all the stress I'm going through at work and knows I turn to mush when I'm around all my boys, so it's all good. I'm still alive... hehe!
You know...Sandi's chin saga has got to be my favorite one yet. Its like...a Novela! (spanish soap opera)...with tons of twists and turns!

Why isnt he allowed in Angel's room anyways?? lol
You know...Sandi's chin saga has got to be my favorite one yet. Its like...a Novela! (spanish soap opera)...with tons of twists and turns!

And the novela continues... he still has not met Jet! I don't think he cares anymore, lol.

Why isnt he allowed in Angel's room anyways?? lol

Because she's 13 and he's her dad! :wacko: Actually, he knocked on her door about 2 weeks ago and he thought he heard her say "come in" but she said "wait a minute", then there was a loud scream and he hasn't been in her room since :D.
And the novela continues... he still has not met Jet! I don't think he cares anymore, lol.

Because she's 13 and he's her dad! .

So is Jet planning on hiding in Angel's room for the next 20 years? ;-)