Safe Wheat?

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2010
Nono, I believe she has been stressed because I just got her a few weeks ago. Her poop in the beginning was really really soft, but now it has harden a bit. I'm just hoping that this wheat will speed up the process a little bit. I have read that giving shredded wheat is ok, I'm just wondering if that safe shredded wheat is the wheat I bought. I'm just double checking. I don't want to make any dangerous mistakes.
How old is she? she needs to be atleast 6 months before she can get treats, and shredded wheat is a treat to be used sparingly like any other treat. Is she getting hay? Hay will usually straighten minor issues out and does not have to be limited. Otherwise I think that brand is fine.
Shredded wheat which is unfrosted does not (usually!) contain anything other than wheat so they are safe for chins - it's always worth checking the package label though. :thumbs:

Some people do not give any treat to kits under 6 months but I have always given a couple of strands of shredded wheat to younger kits with no problems - in fact, it's a good way of getting wriggly, bouncy kits sitting still on scales so you can get accurate weights. ;)
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The other option (sorry, missed the edit time as I got distracted *cough*) is to give a few rolled oats instead - the old fashioned kind, not quick cook.
2-3 rolled oats make a good treat for kits & since they are relatively high in fibre, they can be beneficial for the gut too - moderation in all things is the key though as you don't want young chins waiting for treats rather than munching on their staple diet of pellets & plenty of hay.
Yeah. This box says Ingredients: Whole grain wheat. To preserve the natural wheat flavor, BHT is added to the packaging material.
Most of the brands of shredded wheat that I've seen say they have BHT added except the box I bought at Whole Foods but it was an organic box of shredded wheat. I'm sure it's ok to give it to your chins as a treat but if she's just 6 months, I don't think you should give her more than 1/2 of one occasionally.
Okay, thank you Sandi and the rest of you who answered me. I'm a worry hog xD
Acidophilus is a probiotic. It helps by bring the balance of good and bad bacteria back to normal. You can by it in capsule form and sprinkle it on your chin's feed. Get the highest bacteria count that you can find.
Oh and, do I buy the adult or child version? Is this 100% safe for chinchillas?
You can buy it from your grocery store or health foods store. The refrigerated section of my grocery store has it near the Kefir and refrigerated vegan products. You can also find a lower potency version in the vitamin aisle.

Yes, it is safe for chinchillas. Acidophilus is a beneficial bacteria which helps with digestion. Chins naturally have "good" bacteria in their gut but when stressed or given new or sugary foods, it can cause the "good" bacteria to die off or "bad" bacteria to overgrow, causing diarrhea or bloat. Whenever a chin shows signs of G.I. issues, the acidophilus is good to give. It is also in Lifeline, a supplement which I regularly give to my chins as a treat.
Ohh..okay..So adult pills and children pills are both fine? It doesnt matter how large they are?