Safe Paint?

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
South Florida
I am making toys for Koda and was wondering if there was anything that I could use to decorate them with? Is there a type of paint that is safe to use? I wouldn't cover the whole thing with it but just to add some color. Thanks for the help!
Personally, I feel safest using human grade food dye that you can get at the grocery store. I wouldn't use koolaide on wood. Just seems like it would leave a residue, but I'm not sure.
You can buy wood dye from bird stores online. If I find my link I will post it later. You add water and let it sit for a few hours. Works great, and is safe.
You can get a large variety of coloring in the cake frosting coloring section, water it down, and let it dry well before putting it in the cage. Be prepared for a color chin.
Thank you all the replies. ChinnieChantel I would love the link if you are able to find it. Thanks again!
Last time I priced the bird toy part dye it was about $5 each, and they're not really big.

It is simply food grade coloring that is liquid. When I dyed toy parts I used either FDA food coloring I could get in quarts, or fill a pan with hot water and add one deal of Wilton's coloring ( $2 at the local store, no shipping costs).
I agree that if you're just using the toys for yourself it's easiest to just get the dye at the grocery store. The bottles are smaller, but if you end up buying it online it gets more expensive. When I was doing toys for myself I just bought the dye at the grocery store.