Safe Food For Chins

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Loves Her Chinnies
Jun 24, 2009
Okay...I want to give my chins a variety of different kinds of treats and I have no idea what is okay and what isnt. Right now all they get for a treat is shredded wheat and if I were them I would find it very boring after awhile.
So if you could just list what you give for treats it would help me out alot!!
Lets see, rosehips, plain cheerios, chin cookies, apple and pear sticks...I know there is a thread on here somewhere about treats if you try the search engine. There are more treats that ok, but not coming to mind (it's too hot here to think clearly). Remember, though, to give treats sparingly.
probiotic powders/ pill!! it is a great hit, my chin would just "inhale" the powder off my hand.
My chin goes nuts over oats, he would be so fat if he got to eat as many as he wanted to =) Buy the old-fashioned oats, NOT the quick oats. Personally, I like to go to Kroger or somewhere with a bulk food section and get maybe an eighth of a pound for twenty cents, and it'll last you a good 2-3 months!