I lost one of my boys. The white mosaic, Pippin, simply died one night. He was fine the previous day, eating and playing and socializing, no soft poops or any other sign of illness, no blood or injury or excretions on his body.
Just happens sometimes I guess. Pippen came to me under unusual circumstances- he was found loose inside someone else's home, they contacted a friend of mine, who passed him on to me. All that and he didn't get loose stools, and was quite friendly. I am happy that I had him for the time I did, and he had a good life while he was here. I'd had him about 3-4 months and he's been gone a couple of weeks now.
So now Puck, the baby boy I got for Pippin's cagemate, is going solo. That's good for now, he's getting more social with me, and of course I want to be sure he's healthy, but eventually I'll want to get him a new cagemate so he's not lonely when I'm busy. I started building the cage I've been planning on today, and figure that when its done I'll look around. That way they can start out in new territory.
I have two standards, a Black TOV, a tan wrap and a violet..will be looking for a color I don't have yet. If anyone has any suggestions in the Los Angeles area I'm listening...
Lori and...
Poppet, Posie, Pixie, Peaches, Puck and
Pippin ^o^
So now Puck, the baby boy I got for Pippin's cagemate, is going solo. That's good for now, he's getting more social with me, and of course I want to be sure he's healthy, but eventually I'll want to get him a new cagemate so he's not lonely when I'm busy. I started building the cage I've been planning on today, and figure that when its done I'll look around. That way they can start out in new territory.
I have two standards, a Black TOV, a tan wrap and a violet..will be looking for a color I don't have yet. If anyone has any suggestions in the Los Angeles area I'm listening...
Lori and...
Poppet, Posie, Pixie, Peaches, Puck and
Pippin ^o^