RYX A12 and A13

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Hendryx Chinchillas
Jun 12, 2010
Cincinnati Area
My RGS standard female, Pixie gave birth to A12 and A13 last night with some assistance from moi!

I noticed that she was in labor around 4 pm yesterday afternoon after handfeeding my crew and seemed to be in a good amount of pain so I kept a close eye on her as she is a first time mom. She gained over 300 gms so i was very worried about what her first litter would turn out to be. I don't know how long she was in labor prior to 4pm as I hadn't been down there since my 1:30 feedings. She wasn't acting like my other chins in labor have, she was completely pressed to the floor and wouldn't move and you could literally see powerful contractions work there way down her body. At 5 pm there was no sign of a baby except for a tiny bit of black showing - couldn't tell the body part at this point. At 5:30 a tiny nose and mouth showing but no signs of life. :-( I didn't get too worried as I figured that the umbilical cord was still attached and no signs of bleeding. By 6:15 still no progress so I got her out of her cage and encouraged her to move around. There was nothing for me to grab on the baby to help with delivery so I just kept massaging her and moving her and decided that if there was no progress by 7 pm and she started to tire it was time to go to the vet. By 6:30-6:45 the baby finally delivered. She started nipping it and surprisingly it was alive after all that time in the birth canal. Pixie was too weak to clean it so I dried it off and kept it warm and then put it back with her. About 30 minutes later she passed some nasty mess of a thing, not sure if it was extra placenta , or part of one (as she had already eaten the first one) or an unformed fetus head (yuck)! I am leaning towards placenta tissue as it was soft, bloody and unformed although after examining it I could swear that it had teeth!

About an 45 minutes to an hour after that she had a 2nd baby, much smaller and weaker than the first. I had to dry and stimulate that one too. The first one was a decent size and actively looking to nurse, the 2nd one was fairly small and just kept rolling over on it's side. I kept stimulating it and by the time I went to bed, it was dry and fluffy and she was caring for both of them. This morning they are both nursing and appear to be doing well.

They are both female. Thank god she only had twins since she was so big. I have felt around on her belly and it doesn't feel like she has anymore in there so hopefully smooth sailing with her babies for the next 6-8 weeks and no more hand feeding. Now we just have Jet, our BV, who is due next week and then hopefully at least a month or more before any more litters.

Yesterday's litter was our 6th litter since the end of march and I am tired - not to mention running out of cages! Can't wait till show season!!!

Anyway - sorry for the long story but here is a terrible picture of A12 and A13.


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Good news or bad news first???

Bad news first - Poor little A13 passed away this morning after giving it all that she had. The twins turned 1 week old today and since she made it this far, I was a little hopeful. It has kind of been like a roller coaster with her, she was born so small and weak compared to her sister I didn't expect her to make it through the first night. The next morning she was active and inquisitive - exceptionally so, considering her size. By the end of day one, I realized that mom was pretty much ignoring her and she seemed clueless on how to nurse. No fighting between the two sibs or mom and baby but she progressively began to lose weight and I started supplementing her with goats milk and had dry formula in the cage with all of them. Her weight continued to decline despite my handfeeding and yesterday she developed slight diarrhea. She continued to be active and inquisitive so I upped the amount of rice cereal in the goats milk. Unfortunately I found her this morning on her side with agonal breathing and quite a bit of diarrhea. I held her for just over an hour when she passed away peacefully in my hands. I have never seen such a little one with so much spunk and am so sad to see her go.

Hopefully good news next - Mom appeared to be depressed and looking for little one so this afternoon I attempted to foster my orphaned little boy with her. He is 12 days older than the baby she has but I thought it was worth a shot as he is still under 3 weeks old and has a ways to go with hand feeding. He seems to be a little homesick for his daddy but Pixie took right to him. Herding him underneath her and cleaning him. A12 seems to not be bothered by him. I have been keeping a close eye on all of them and so far have not seen him attempt to nurse but I am hopeful that it will all come back to him. He has been without a mother since 4 days old so we will see. I am keeping my fingers crossed and will continue to hand feed until I see him nursing a good amount.
Everyone all cuddled up to mom this morning and saw "Solo" nursing both last night and this morning. I still hand fed him this morning but he didn't gobble it down like usual so I am hopeful that his belly was already full with good mama milk! :)

His weight was up 5 gms from yesterday which is on par with his daily weight increases thus far - so far so good!
Awww. Sorry to hear little A13 passed away. You did a super job caring for her while she was here.
On a brighter side......Having the female take in Solo is great news. Best wishes on the group. I know you have had your hands full feeding. Perhaps you can now rest. ;)