Hello, we have a six year old male chinchilla that has had 2 surgerys to remove bladders stones in the past year. I just took him back to the vet today and he has another 3 bladder stones! We are out of ideas on how to prevent them. He just had surgery last November and again in June, we can't just keep having surgery to remove them. He is currently eating oxbow timothy based bunny food (thats what the vet told us) and oat hay (supposed to be the lowest in calcium). He drinks distilled water and get very minimal treats (nothing with alfalfa or high levels of clacium). We are considering having another surgery that I guess is similar to what a cat gets if they continually get bladder stones. (We don't know much about it and niether does our vet, but we don't know what else to do) If anyone has any other suggestions please let us know!! We don't want to wait too long because one of the stones is small enough that it could block the urethra.
Plese help!
Plese help!