Running in Pee pee

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
I got the 15" chin spin other day, my chin knows how to use it now but I found pee in his wheel and I had some questions:

Do you leave the pee there in the wheel for him to run aorund in?

Or do you clean it everytime you find it in the wheel?

(but what if you don't know its there and your chins running with pee all over him) and can my chin grow fungus by getting wet from his pee in the wheel?

No, you don't leave pee in there to for them to run around in, or at least I don't as soon as I see pee or poo I clean it up. I've seen it splattering around while running I stick my hand in the cage they stop get off I wipe it up quick and they go back to running their merry little hearts away. Obviously you can't watch them every second of everyday, but you could at least check when you take them out for play time or just check every night it isn't that hard to do.
i would definitely clean it when you find it, otherwise when he runs in it it's going to get all over his fur. I don't think they'll grow fungus from the small amount of urine that could get one them. When you see it in there clean it off. If you know it was in there and they ran on it and you didn't have a chance to clean it, offer a dust bath right after.
another problem the indide of the wheel feels sliperly theres no pee in it because i wiped it 3 times and my chin had poo stuck in his caot and his coat from there felt sticky so i have him a dust bath but will this happen all the time?

and i nomally give him 2 dust bath a week should i give him more, and if so how much
It's best to give chins dust baths every other day, Or at least so I think, it keeps my babies fresh. But, I mean, They're animals. Their poo is going to get stuck to their coats- it even happens to mine, as clean as I keep them.
--As far as stickiness goes, though, I dont know anything about that. Mine have never gotten sticky.
If their coat feels sticky, you might want to look at areas where they lay to see if they are peeing where they sleep. Frequency of dust baths depends on the humidity where the chins are kept. If you are in a humid area, every 2-3 days might be necessary. If you are in a dry area, 1-2 times a week might do it- too often and their skin will dry out, not often enough and they get greasy looking.
What are you cleaning the wheel with? If you are cleaning with vinegar and water, there should be no slick to it, but if you are using some kind of anti-bacterial wipe, it may leave a residue.