Running and climbing, but not on wheel

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Oct 24, 2009
Seward, Alaska
Oh yay lol, we just got a new hedgie yesterday as a random surprise. So I have been taking a crash course in proper care, atleast I am trying.

A question I have though is, I thought when they were scared and new to a place they balled up?

From the moment his previous owner handed him to me Ziggy Stardust was trying to escape my arms and snuffling in my ear.:hug2: He is very sweet, but I worry about this running that I am scaring him and he is trying to get away?

The Previous owner had him for about a year and he seems well socialized besides "popping"/hissing when first picking up and then it doesn't even take a minute for him to uncurl and start running.

Please tell me its okay for them to run, because I have yet to read any stories of such an active hedgehog! I know for how active he is we need to get him a playmat because I sure don't want him running under the couch and the cat getting him! He won't sit still in my lamp for out of cage time!

Also any links to good (yet inexpensive) heatlamps or other necessaries would be great! Thinking first two things Ziggy needs in our home is the heat source (we are sweltering for him till we can find something more localized) and thinking of the fancy carolina wheels :) (P.Owner gave us his screen wheel and a rolly ball that is WAAAYYYY too small, I took him out after a second realizing that couldn't be helping him. )
Some hedgehogs can be quite active and may seem like they want nothing to do with you because they are too busy exploring and running around. A scared hedgehog typically will quill up and not run around so much.

Are his quills laid down?

Another thought is, how bright is the room when he is out? Poptart absolutely hates light. She will frantically try to run away to hide whens she feels exposed. If I dim the lights, or pull a blanket over her, she settles down and relaxes.

If you are looking for a ceramic heat emitter, I posted a couple of links of those I see commonly used on another thread:
(found out he is actually a she :confused3: )

Yes her quills are down and I had the lights off so it was dimish light, and tried to cover her with a light fleece throw and she tried to escape up my chest and down my legs, just would not sit still! I was afraid she was going to leap off of me while sitting on the couch lol, she climbed over my shoulder and I had to kneel fast to prevent her falling far when I was taking her back to the tub.

Thanks for the link, I saw that thread so was going to buy those tomorrow with paycheck. I figure buying heatlamp is more important than the gate-enclosure as she needs to be warm to stay active :)

Also we live in Alaska so I am curious to know if this fall/winter I am going to have to keep Ziggy in the bathroom with the light on? I don't want her to see the changing natural light and try to hibernate...
She may just be a very active explorer type hedgehog. Hedgehogs come in quite a variety of personalities, and the I have no time for you, must get away so that I can go explore, is one of those personalities.

You will need to provide extra light for her during the winter months. Shoot for at least 12 hrs.