royal persian angoras???

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
whats the difference?? dont get me wrong they are beautiful...but i thought a chinchilla was a chinchilla....???? lol i didnt know they had different BREEDS of chins..
It's not a different breed. They're considered mutations. Just like a mosaic is another mutation, a black velvet is a mutation etc.

They're just chinchillas that have been selectively bred to have longer fur.
oh ok thanks lol dont get me wrong they are so adorable i would love to have one but i have never ran across any..saw some online for 1-3 grand lol
You haven't "run across" any because you can't buy them in the US. You can only buy them overseas at this point.
ya and I think they are gorgeous. Not for the price but still they are pretty