Rough side of breeding (graphic)- good vibes needed

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Dawnna's Keeper
Jan 29, 2009
Cary IL,
As several people know I have been waiting anxousily for Jade one of my Huge standard girls who was bred to Dr Patel (white champion male) to give birth. Well Today she did,

I got out of work an hour early and headed home, I got home and checked the chinchillas as usual.

First thing I noticed was 3 dead white kits in the cage, 2nd thing I noticed was what looked like half of a kit. the 3 dead kits look cleaned and dried. I could tell they were white, I began cleaning the mess

I found that what I thought was half a kit was a whole kit with the midsection torn out. Mom is/was a bloody mess but is not damaged I am thinking he (I checked the sex) came out wrong and had to be torn apart.

Kit 2 was cold, white female bit through the nose seemed like she maybe had to be pulled roughly

Kit 3 also cold stiff also white, female was very small. I grabbed the third also a white female who was cold, but I thought I saw a leg move.....

I set her down and looked really close cause no way. She is cold and stiff.........

I see her front leg move the tiniest bit. I grab her and go to the kitchen sink and turn on the water. I carefully place her under the hot water and begin massaging. AS I do this I pump her lungs and blow air through her mouth and nose. she gasps and fluid comes out her lungs.

She lays there gasping and I massage and massage her. I grab a syring and get a little more fluid, she begins moving a bit. I massaged her for an hour warming her under water and then with her wrapped in a towel.

I have now given her back to mom, I am supplimenting to give her the best chance she has. After I got her going I did try her sisters briefly but It was way to late then but sadly I had to go with the one that moved....As the other two I felt were very very gone,

She weighs 35 grams which in a single kit would alarm me but not necessarily in a quad. She is under mom and staying warm. I am sorry for the photos. Jade isn't completely clean yet and it was a difficult birthing. Jade is doing good, the baby needs some prayers but has a chance.

I am so sorry for your loss! You are quite the woman rushing in and saving the day! How exciting that the one kit might make it. I'm so glad that you tried so hard to save the kit. You'll have to keep us updated on the progress and hopefully it will all be wonderful news! Michelle
Oh man...Kristy...that stinks. Jade isn't a first time mom, is she?

I've had things like this happen before. But, Congrats on bringing that kit back to life. That is one of the most satisfying things to accomplish! :) I've done that a few times. I hope the little one makes it. Patel is the super awesome one that you want beebees from, right? :D
I'm sorry about your lost kits, but it is completely awesome that you were able to resurrect the one who survived!

Best of luck to your new momma and her miracle baby :)
awww kristy, sounds like you guys had a rough day. i find it amazing you were able to revive her. i hope she and mom make a full recovery. and i hope you can relax a little tonight.
I'm so sorry, Kristy. I wish things were all rainbows and butterflies, but unfortunately, they're not. So glad you came home early and saved the one. Sending prayers and positive vibes for kit and momma.
This is always the toughest thing about breeding...I'm so sorry this happened Kristy. I hope the little girl pulls through. We've got fingers crossed over here for full recovery.
Amazing job. I'm sorry for the ones who didn't make it. I hope Jade and miracle baby do well for you.
The baby seems a bit stronger tonight. rooting around under mom, but still wobbly. She has no problem exploring. Jade is an experianced mom. She calls for her while I try to feed her LOL. The kit isn't taking much from the dropper but a few drops a feeding is better than none. I think she may be nursing a bit but with this girlie I didn't want to risk it. a few drops from me every few hours will not stop her from nursing I am sure.
Wow, good thing you came home early and that you noticed her slight movement! Good luck with your miracle baby!
So sorry for your lost and am glad one baby might make it - Breeding sometimes sucks. I just recently had a birth of 1 kit and it was dead - its throat was cut apart. It was a first time mom. Hope the little one survives. Sending good wishes your way. Hope anyone who is thinking about breeding reads this and realizes breeding is not nice sometimes.
Wow, what a horrible thing to come home to. I'm glad you were able to revive the little girl. Keep us updated on wishes for a happy, healthy kit & mom!
I'm really sorry about the loss of the kits. Best wishes for the little one. Thank you for posting the valuable information with your post. Keep us updated.