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Hey we have a couple different kinds of roses in our backyard, do the rose hips only come in certain months because i do not see any right now? If there are certain species of roses you need could yall tell me that to. Also do you just bake them in the oven?
I believe that rosehips come after the rose has bloomed and all that. Because they have seeds in them, so I believe they come after the flowers are fertilized. So it wouldn't be until later in the year after the bloom dies.

I've read that you would cut them off of the bush when the rosehip turns fully red, not when it's green but don't wait too long after it turns fully red or else they're no good. Then you would just spread them out and let them dry naturally.
Well the roses we have seem to bloom year around but i have nvr seem rosehips
Then it's probably that the bush keeps blooming, but some die and maybe you don't notice them?
Because a flower is not going to last forever on a plant, the point of it is to make seeds, so eventually some of them will die and form the rosehip, you probably just have to keep checking.
Your question got me thinking about rosehips in general. So I wikipedia-ed them. there is some greaet information, not much about the cultivation of them but if you go to the bottom of the page it offers a link to Wiki-commons on rosehips. There are a ton pics of different rosehips from different types of roses. I've attached the link, maybe this will help you find what you are looking for.

Rosehips pics
I guess i will check more but they seem to always be green thats why im wondering if only some form rosehips
Where are you from? That might help. As in most places it may not be warm enough for the sugars to ferment/coagulate (I'm lost for the right word right now) and that maybe why they have not turned red. It may also be they have not been properly pollinated. With some other flowers the seed pods never fully ripen because they have not properly germinated. There are lots of reasons as too why the rosehips may not be red, one being they just need more time and should be checked daily,
:bump1: DO all rose bushs make rosehips?

Though you may not be seeing them if you "Deadhead" your roses. Here is some info from a website:

How to Grow Rose Hips:

A lot of home gardeners do not know rose hips even exist. They cut fresh roses for vases and bouquets. Immediately after blooming on the plant, spent blooms are usually deadheaded to encourage the plant to produce new blooms. As a result, home gardeners often do not get the chance to see a rose hip develop.

It's easy to grow rose hips. Just do not deadhead spent rose blooms. Let the spent bloom die off. Underneath it is the rose hip. It will develop and mature over a number of weeks.