PLEASE DO NOT GIVE THAT TEA TO YOUR CHIN!! I bought the EXACT same tea for the exact same reason and it was not good. This was about a year ago and I was completely new to chins.
I opened a tea bag and gave my little Bowie a pinch of it after playtime. He started acting lethargic and went and lay down, which was odd for him, but I thought he just had a really good run during playtime. He was back to normal after an hour or so. He ate and drank and was fine later that night.
The next day I gave some more, again after playtime. Again, he started acting lethargic and lay down, this time I was worried and tried to get him to move around a little. He was acting strange, couldn't really stand normally. He tried jumping for his ledges and fell. :cry3: I pulled him out of the cage and he didn't struggle (again, not good for a chin!) as I held him... I thought for sure he was going to die. He was literally acting like he was drunk, he just wanted to lay down or be held and couldn't walk or jump. I put some fleece in a box for him to lay in the bottom of the cage and tried to give him some hay and he seemed to take it willingly enough, so I kept feeding him and talking softly to him (crying the whole time). After a couple hours, he was back to his same old self again, and I kept watch over him the whole night to make sure he was ok.
FYI for those interested: I kept the tea, since I am a tea drinker, but its not something I like. The tea is Alvita brand, the box says caffeine free, and the ingredients simply says "rose hips"... NOTHING ELSE. The best guess I have is that the tea is treated somehow because it is not organic certified (although I got it at Sprouts), or that they are lying about the ingredients. The symptoms Bowie seemed to display are what I would imagine low blood pressure would be like for chins. So whatever the tea is, it may have caused his blood pressure to drop to a level of lethargy and being uncoordinated. Hay and water helped him back out of it.