Rose leafs?

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Jul 17, 2012
New Zealand
I'm a newbie chin Mum do please forgive my questions.
I understand you can give chinchillas dried rose petals as a treat. How much and how often is acceptable.
What about not dry roses?
Can they have rose leafs? If so do they need to be dried?
Thanks for your help.
Personally I wouldn't feed them. They would need to be washed and boiled and by that time they would probably have fallen apart. I'm not sure about rose petals either. I know that people give rosehips as treats. Have you tried searching the forum for rose leaves or petals? At the top of the page there is a link to a search box.
I give my chin a little mix of fresh herbs every few weeks. I just rinse them off, nothing else. I would think fresh rose petals would be safe, even if they weren't dried. I'm not sure about the leaves though.
I'm a newbie chin Mum do please forgive my questions.
I understand you can give chinchillas dried rose petals as a treat. How much and how often is acceptable.
What about not dry roses?
Can they have rose leafs? If so do they need to be dried?
Thanks for your help.

I have given dried rose buds before (after all, it is pretty much just a bunch of petals). I don't know how appetizing the leaves would be after drying since rose leaves tend to be kind of stiff and waxy anyway...