rose hips

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
I got gizmo crushed rosehips. I was giving him whole but since he only has one arm, he had a hard time holding it to eat it. So now he eats the crushed, but how much should I give him in one sitting? I've basically just been grabbing a little handful to sprinkle in his food dish a few times a week. Is this too much or too little? I'm not really sure how much would make up a whole bud.
I normally give a pinch of the crushed, like what I can get in between my thumb and forefinger.

However you may want to start feeding the treats in a separate bowl or by giving them to him in your palm. He may start associating the feed bowl with treats and start digging in the food and not eating the pellets, looking for more treats. It's what happens when chins are fed the crappy pellets with treats mixed in.
I used the crushed ones, too. I hand feed them to Idgie as a treat after playtime. I alternate with oats, so she ends up getting several pieces every other day.