Rock Candy Recipies??

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2010
Pinconning, MI
I've looked online for them, but all that pulls up is rock candy on a string, The ones that you can watch grow. :( Does anyone have of their own recipies that I could borrow?
I made rock candy "confetti" which decorated a dessert table I had for a party, I did it like this without the strings or sticks.

You need 1 cup water and 2 cups white sugar and the food coloring of your choice.

Begin by pouring the water into a saucepan, and stir in the white sugar and food coloring until the sugar almost completely dissolves. Cook the mixture on medium heat, and continue stirring until the sugar is no longer visible. Remove the candy syrup from the heat source, and allow it to cool completely. Once the colored candy syrup has cooled, pour it into a plastic container and allow it to sit undisturbed for around 10 days. The water will gradually evaporate and colored crystals will form.

Once the colored mixture has turned into rock candy, turn the plastic container over inside of a colander. Once the remaining moisture has drained away, the colored formations can be broken into bite-size pieces and placed on paper toweling to dry.
did you do a google search? there are hundreds of recipes for everything online.
I just typed rock candy recipe into google and got 312,000 results
Everytime I look it up I get The Rock Candy Recipe that you can watch grown on a stick or string.