Buffy was my first chinchilla, and I didn't even have her for more than two weeks. I'm beating myself up for it because I know it's my fault... I could have stopped it.
She was just a baby and she could fit through the bars of the ferret nation. She would get out and run around at night even though she'd been out to play earlier. It was fine because I had a towel shoved under the door and there wasn't any other bad place she could get into.
This past Friday, she got out and it was around 3 AM. She was jumping around on my bed and I was so tired - I just fell right back asleep. Well, my mom had to wake me up for work and Buffy was no where to be found. But the towel under the door was pulled. I knew my cats had done it. After searching everywhere in my room, no luck. She wasn't there. Later my mom was vacuuming... And she found a foot.
It kills me so much knowing that I could have done something. I can't stop thinking about my poor baby and how it's all my fault. She hardly had a chance to live. She won't get to experience so many things, and I miss her terribly. She was the sweetest thing and didn't deserve what happened. I just hope she forgives me, but I'll never forgive myself.
She was just a baby and she could fit through the bars of the ferret nation. She would get out and run around at night even though she'd been out to play earlier. It was fine because I had a towel shoved under the door and there wasn't any other bad place she could get into.
This past Friday, she got out and it was around 3 AM. She was jumping around on my bed and I was so tired - I just fell right back asleep. Well, my mom had to wake me up for work and Buffy was no where to be found. But the towel under the door was pulled. I knew my cats had done it. After searching everywhere in my room, no luck. She wasn't there. Later my mom was vacuuming... And she found a foot.
It kills me so much knowing that I could have done something. I can't stop thinking about my poor baby and how it's all my fault. She hardly had a chance to live. She won't get to experience so many things, and I miss her terribly. She was the sweetest thing and didn't deserve what happened. I just hope she forgives me, but I'll never forgive myself.