Respiratory Infection?

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Feb 9, 2009
I've had my chin since November of 2007, he is approximately 4 years old. I've never had any problems with him until this past weekend. On Sunday morning, I noticed he was making pig if he was congested or couldn't breathe out of his nose. It was worse when he ate. One nostril looked a little swollen, as well, with a little discharge and he would occasionally paw at his mouth/nose. His breathing was also a little labored. The next morning, Monday, he didn't seem to be doing better at all, but worse. I called around to SIX different vets in my area, who claimed to be familiar with exotic pets and small animals...except chinchillas, of course. I finally reached one vet, that was over an hour away, who I made an appointment with at noon. She examined him and said he had a respiratory infection, which I figured by researching his symptoms online. Anyway.. she gave him a prescription that's apple flavored, it's Enrofloxacin 13mg/ml. I am to feed him two table spoons of CC a day for 21 days, and 1mg of his med. It is now Thursday. He seems to be doing better, but he still isn't eating or drinking much on his own. I had to burrito him up in a towel and feed him on Monday. On Tuesday, he took the CC and meds on his own. He probably figured it was easier than having it forced down his throat.. lol. Anyway.. on Wednesday he took them on his own, again. Today..he wouldn't touch the CC, I even tried adding a little apple sauce to it...but he took his med without any problem. I am just worried that he isn't eating/drinking enough. He looks fine and is running on his wheel now..and isn't making any pig noises, his nose looks fine without any discharge, and his breathing seems to be normal. Do I try later to give him the CC, again?? Or would it be okay to see what he does tomorrow? Obviously, if he hasn't eaten anything by tomorrow, I will have to burrito him again. it okay to give his meds, without giving him the CC?? Maybe I should call the vet.....hmmm..

Anyway... any input would help! Thank you! :)
Good job on catching a URI early. They can go downhill really fast if it isn't treated. You should finish up the course of antibiotics so that the URI is completely eliminated. The Enrofloxacin (Baytril) often causes chinchillas to go off their feed because it just tastes so darn awful. Keep with the force feeding if he is not eating on his own. Instead of spoon-feeding him, get a catheter-tip syringe. It's easier to get into his mouth and control, and that way you can also measure how much you are feeding him. If he is not eating at all, you will need to get around at least 100mls of CC in him throughout the day, less if he is a smaller chin. Have you tried a different flavor of CC? Some chins prefer the original over the apple-banana and vice versa. When I had a chin with a URI, I had to feed him 3-4 times a day just to get enough food in him. Just keep going at it and he should be fine in time. Good luck!
Its also thought that the baytril kills off the bacteria in the cecum and that also causes them not to eat. Give him a probiotic 4 hours after the baytril dose. You can buy acidophilus at the health food store-get the highest billion count you can find, crack open the capsule and add it to the CC, feed it to him 4 hours after you give the baytril.
I have been feeding him with the a syringe that they gave me...I just hold it and push out a little at a time. It says Monoject 412 on the syringe.. but I have no idea how much it holds?? I've been giving him about one and a half worth of food every day, though. ..which is about two tablespoons of the CC mixed.

I haven't tried the flavored CC...but I could!

He weighs 671gms, but the vet said he was overweight. I don't think he is, though? lol...I don't know.

Also.. He won't come to me!! He is absolutely pissed about monday. lol .. I guess, I'll just have to grab him. We can work on the trust issues when he is better.

After the med is done...will I still have to feed him CC for a few days?..or will he just start eating again on his own? :\
does the syringe have any numbers on it. You have to force feed several times a day and try to get around 70-100 cc into him. You might have to force feed him a few weeks. He might get pissed for awhile but it will be worth it if you get his meds. and food into him. He will eventually 'get over it' You are right 671 grms is NOT overweight
Okay.. I will do my best!! No..the syringe doesn't have any numbers on it. I am assuming it's at least 50cc. His medicine syringe is only 10ml..and it's much bigger than that.

Also.. sometimes the CC gets a little messy. Would it be okay to use a damp wash cloth to wipe it away?
Vets always seem to think they are overweight. It was explained at the seminar that as a pet they prefer to see them lean.
The vet also said it was OK to give him fresh carrots and lettuce. I thought that was a no no?? I haven't...but I'm just sayin'..that's what she said! :\
Kara fresh veggies are a no no. Recently I attended a chinchilla seminar in Wisconsin and we had a vet knowledgeable about chins speak to us. We asked him why so many vets are telling chin owners they can feed fresh fruits and veggies and he was honest in his answer. They simply don't do enough research to know this is not good for chins. They "assume" a chin can tolerate a diet like that of the guinea pig and rabbit and therefore encourage fresh fruits and vegetables for chins. The experienced breeders and forum members here will tell you otherwise--and those years of experience are ones I would listen to. Again vet inexperience by them saying your chin is overweight at 671 grams--we have seen larger chins on the show tables.
I figured as much. I told her I didn't think it was okay to give chins fresh produce and I mentioned this site....then she didn't seem so sure of herself. She said a couple other things, too, that I just tossed out the window. :p