Resisting Scritches?!

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Christina Noraas

Sep 28, 2010
Mc Grath, Minnesota
Rex seems to like them, but when he realizes all of a sudden what's going on he looks at me and takes off. He starts to get into it then all of a sudden he just shoots it down. :[


Anyone else have issues with this?
Not all chins like scritches. They tend to like things on their own terms. I give them when Shell is sleepy. Anyother time and she's not having it. Playtime scritches are a big no no for her. She'd rather play. Try scritches when Rex is just waking up.
It's not that he doesn't like them, he acts as if he loves them immediately, and then all of a sudden he realizes that I'm making him happy or something and he runs away.

I basically try to do them when he's sleeping and he really gets into it then.
Give him time. He will stick around longer when he gets them.
Sometimes my chin will run if I touch her whiskers or start scratching her above her head. But if I put out one finger and pet her snout and between her eyes she doesn't run or if I do bump into her whiskers, she's more likely to run away if I touch the ends. It's weird, you have to kind of feel out what will make them run or not and go from there. There's a lot of physical nuances to keep in mind when interacting with chins the way you want to. Of course time always helps like Cindy said.

That's a really cute picture by the way!!
it could just be that he feel threatened by your hand being that close to his face. remember they are prey animals and your hand is giant compared to him. he is a cutie though :)
I think brushing their whiskers can be kind of ticklish. You have to sort of aim around them for scritches. They're all individuals though, as far as where they like to be scratched.