Rehabilitating my Chin (Please Help)

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(warning i am new to this site)
Ok i came here cuz i thought i might get some advice. I got a new chinchilla her name is Pika, i've had her for a little over a month and i thought she would be happy if i got her some friends.


I ended up buying three little girls from this lady who had neglected them. I know cuz of the shape of them i shouldn't have bought them because of their state but i didn't want to leave them there with this terrible owner. She gave me a huge cage with them, which looked like it had never been cleaned.:no:

So i took them home, i let my Pika out and them out so they could get to meet. (Things went well)

After a while they finally started to fight so i separated them from Pika. While doing so i noticed that one of the little girls (i have named Pidge) had a dry red irritated spot near her genital area ( i looked it up and believed it to be fungus) Not only that as i watch her she is not as active as the others. For example she will take a dust bath but she will do it very slowly and has a bit of trouble hopping. :hmmm:

Now here is one problem. My little Pika because this is her home has become very territorial and had been spraying them. What can i do to help calm her and make her stop spraying?

Another problem is, that i know Pidge has a fungus problem but the others don't (Skit and Syn) They are actually pretty healthy. Because Pika is so territorial and is attacking the others i have to keep her separate. I don't have an extra cage to separate Pidge from the others because of her fungus.

I have been giving all of them fungus powder in all their baths and have even been making pidge bath in a separate container. I have been cleaning the cage often and so forth.

Am i doing a good job? U don't want to give up on Pidge like so many people say i should cuz she has a little fungus. I want to help her. She is so precious. :angelic:But i dont have money or room for another cage. What should i do?

Please help....:cry3::please:
The other chins have already been exposed to the fungus, if that's what it is. Moving her out now isn't going to do a whole heck of a lot. Instead of just using powder, buy some Blu-Kote and dab that around her genital area where the fungus is, but continue to give the dust baths.

When you clean the cage, you have to be really thorough. Wash hammocks in hot water, boil and bake any wood (or leave it in the sun to dry), clean the cage with hot water with either bleach or white vinegar in it. If you use bleach, be sure to rinse it several times thoroughly.

What worries me more is that you didn't do a quarantine, and one of them appears to be ill. Fungus will not cause her to move slower or to be unable to dust bathe. Quarantine is already broken, so I would keep a close eye on all of your chins to be sure that whatever is going on isn't communicable.

Is Pidge eating well? Is she peeing, pooping, drinking like normal? If it was me, and I noticed a significant difference in the behavior of the one chin, I would get to a vet and get her checked out.
Well after a few days Pidge seems to be getting better. She runs, eats, pees, poops (healty poo) and all my other chins are all doing the same.

Im just worried about Pidges genital area thats where it looks bad. She doesnt have anything on her noes or ears. She has a red bump and its dry and flacky around her genital area?

Is this fungus?
Can you get a picture of the area? I'm sure that would help out with identifying what the spot is.
A picture would help a lot. It does seem odd though that only one of the three girls would have fungus, and ONLY around her genitals. It seems possible it would be something else.