Red Eyes

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
What color chins could have red eyes??
I just noticed that 2 of the 4 I just got have reddish eyes, one is a sapphire and they have a red hue in certain light and the beige's eyes are more red.
Beige, yes. **** Beige will typically have brighter red eyes and hetero beige eyes are usually a darker ruby red.
Someone else will have to comment as to the sapphires...
Beige definitely have red eyes, as well as the pink whites and tans. Sorry I can't help out with the sapphire's! My Solange is light tan and I think she has the most gorgeous red eyes I've ever seen. They are actually jelly bean clear red, very different I think and very beautiful!
I do know that beiges have red eyes, like Lan said, but I'm not sure about what other colors do.
Some sapphires do and some don't. I have seen ones with red eyes before. It's very dark though and you don't notice it unless you flash a light in their eyes or hold them up to a light to see.
yes it was only when the light hits it a certain way. thanks. i was just a little nervous because his eye seemed a little weepy when he first got here and actually a bit smaller than the other side, but when i asked the person who had them before me she said the vet looked at him and he said he was ok??
My white sapphire has red eyes. I asked the same question with him because, I was confused by his eyes. He actually has parti eyes. They are dark and bright red.