Red Eared Sliders

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Jan 28, 2009
Mount Carmel, PA
Ok! SO! My little sister brought home a turtle today from a neighbor. It's a red-eared slider that is obviously TOO small to be legally sold. It's maybe about the size of a half dollar. They'd bought it from a local Dollar store (Not a chain one), and after the kids weren't taking care of it, they gave it to us.

I have two questions.

A) What can we do about the place selling these turtles?

B) Information please? Websites, personal knowledge, etc.

I'll get some pics up ASAP, it's currently in one of those stupid little like 8"x3"x6" 'habitats' until we can get an aquarium, etc, for it.

I do know they get huge, and we're going to need at least a 50gal tank for it when fully grown. But other than that. Help?
Where you live depends on how small they can be, as well as whether or not it is even legal to sell that type of turtle (for ex. - painted turtles can be sold in KY, but not in IN). Check for legality online. I know in IN, turtles must have a shell diameter of at least 4 inches.

They are mainly aquatic turtles, but you need to have a log attachment or section of the tank blocked off for land (you can check at a pet store, they will have most of what you need). We have some friends who have three big red-ears in one 55 gallon tank, and they do fine. They don't get HUGE, but they do grow quickly. I would advise going ahead and getting the biggest tank you can afford up to 55 gallon and go from there.

Google "red-eared slider care sheet" and you should find some good info. Hope things go well!!!
Ideally, they should be in an outside pond of some sort for the summer to get natural sunlight. A child's pool with holes drilled around the rim about 5 inches from the top so it doesn't over flow when it rains and the turtle escapes. When inside in the colder months, it needs a full spectrum light so it's shell stays healthy.
Ideally, they should be in an outside pond of some sort for the summer to get natural sunlight. A child's pool with holes drilled around the rim about 5 inches from the top so it doesn't over flow when it rains and the turtle escapes. When inside in the colder months, it needs a full spectrum light so it's shell stays healthy.

I agree. I had also purchased two tiny red earred sliders and they went into a 20 gallon tank until they were about 2 inches across. They then went into the 55 gallon tank. Both tanks has two filters and a full spectrum light. I think even a 55 gallon tank is too small when they get to their full size. I ended up giving them to a friend with a man made pond in her back yard. I still go see them and they seem really happy in their 10x8 pond with the froggies and fishies.
Ok thanks guys. That's something I'll suggest to my little sister once it gets a bit bigger. They know someone at church who has a pond and Brandy has given her frogs before.

We live in the city, so as much as I'd love to do your suggestion, Carol, I wouldn't be able to. While no one can get into our yard, Sasha would gladly try to eat the poor turtle, and kids are always jumping into my grandmother's yard next door(one side of their fence is lower).
I understand it isn't always possible. It is what I do with my tortoise. It doesn't always work, but when it does, it is awesome for the animals. You can provide excellent care for that turtle and have it indoors all the time, though.
I'm just thinking we won't have the room for a 55 gallon, let alone 125. Brandy wants to keep the turtle in our room, which I've already told her is impossible, because of the chins. Not just the lack of space because of the cages, but our room is kept cold for the chins. I'm sure we'll figure something out though. What's another inclusion to the min-zoo? Lol I'll try to get some pics tonight for you all. You'll just have to bear with me on the cage. The good pet store(reasonable prices, actually have decent information and a wide selection of reptile/amphibian/insect stuff) is closed today, so we won't be able to go out and get even a 20gal for a day or so.
What about a plastic drawer from one of those storage bin things? We have one that's like 18"x24"

Since the turtle's still really small, would that work? We're gonna be getting a 55gal set up from the lady who sold us Smokie, but won't be able to pick it up til Friday.
Yeah, I know that. We're planning on going out either tomorrow or Wednesday (my two days off) to get stuff for the aquarium, so we have it once it gets here Friday. I've been looking at all sorts of websites. So far on the list is... 1 filter for 75-100gal tank (every site I've come across says to get one for a larger aquarium), a light for basking, and a UVB light, a submersible heater, a power pack for everything to plug into (lol), a light timer, and some form of basking platform. Gravel, maybe. Not neccssarily needed.

One thing I think is going to be an issue though, is creating a suitable basking area. Everything that's sold commercially looks so flimsy, andI can't find any good information on how to make your own basking area. I'm sure we'll figure it out though. Lol
I'm not sure if you live in the city or not, but you can easily find larger rocks and pile them up in the corner by the basking light to make your own basking spot. That or driftwood that floats.
I live in the city. So finding rocks I'd trust would be hard. And wouldn't floating driftwood float away from the basking area? How could I attach it in place.
The floating drift wood would be more for if it wants to get out of the water away from the light. It's a good idea to have two basking areas. One by the lamp and one away incase it wants to get out of the water but doesn't want heat if it's too hot.
I think it depend on the size of the driftwood. We had some at work that would hold all of the turtles that wanted to get on there. Full grown RES don't really weigh all that much in my opinion.

For the Matamatas I took care of, we used these platforms and they held them no problem. We used the large size and at the time the Matamatas were about the size of a almost full grown RES

So those work well if you're using an aquarium and can suction cup the thing to it.
Ok, I wasn't sure about those. They looked so.... flimsy! Lol (that and I can never get suction cups to stick properly)

I do have a question about lighting though. I know to get a UVB 5.0 light for the main lighting. But what's a good basking light?

Also, should we have 'night time' lights like you need for some reptile/herps?
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Suction cups work well to keep driftwood in place. You can use silicone to attach the suction cup to the driftwood and then after it dries just suction it to the side of the tank. While the turtle is small cork also works well for a basking area.
Yeah, they look flimsy, but they're actually pretty thick and durable. For ours, since Matamatas are pretty much solely aquatic until they're older, we siliconed some flat rocks to the bottom of it to make it sit in the water and not float on the top, but for RES it should be fine.

ATP has great care sheets, here's the one on RES

And this is a good turtle forum if you want to ask any specific questions or just browse their threads

I was a member there for a while while researching more about Matamatas and while I was caring for a RES that got stuck on the highway.
I always post this, remember to wash, wash, wash after touching anything invovling the turtles and always use purell it is the only thing that will kill the salmonella. when my son was 3 he got Salmonella from some R.E.S I took him to the dr and he sent us straight to the ER and told me one more day and he would have died. I was told while in the hospital that just water and soap wont kill it unless you useing steaming hot water for 15 minutes but something in the purell kills it fast.