Recommended diet?

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Buddha & Moose (:
Sep 23, 2012
Springville, UT
I know that Oxbow is probably the most recommended pellet out there for chinchillas, but do you have any other recommended brands of either pellet or hay? Right now I am using "Nutrena Nature Wise" that I picked up at a local farm supply store. Any suggestions?

PS. when everyone refers to Oxbow, are they talking about Oxbow Rabbit pellet, or does Oxbow make a specific pellet for chinchillas?
Tradition: Mammals


Purina Rabbit Chow: http://www.rab*****

I buy local hay, or order from one of the suppliers in the classified thread. Personally I feed Mazuri, but I'm looking into the amount of molasses in it to figure out if there isn't a better pellet that doesn't introduce that sugar source. That said, my boys are healthy and completely "normal" (for chinchillas O_0) on the Mazuri. I've fed it since I got into chins, with a short stint on Tradition when I moved. I found the Tradition didn't go over as well and Crash started to look a little scrawny on it, so I found a new Mazuri supplier.
if your chins are eating the Nutrena Nature Wise and are doing well on it - you can stick with that. It is one of the recommended foods
I know that Oxbow is probably the most recommended pellet out there for chinchillas, but do you have any other recommended brands of either pellet or hay? Right now I am using "Nutrena Nature Wise" that I picked up at a local farm supply store. Any suggestions?

PS. when everyone refers to Oxbow, are they talking about Oxbow Rabbit pellet, or does Oxbow make a specific pellet for chinchillas?

There are quite a few options as far as recommended feed for chinchillas. I currently feed most of my boys Tradition Chinchilla pellets as well as Nutrena Naturewise (rabbit pellets). The 2 boys that I have that are on Nutrena are very healthy, they are caged together and just did not like Tradition. When they came to me from the breeder that is what they were on.

Oxbow sells chinchilla feed, if you decide to get Oxbow make sure you get Oxbow Chinchilla Deluxe/Essentials.
Oh, ok that is good to know. Buddha seems just fine on the Nutrena Naturewise. He loves it, actually. We got him at 10 weeks old, and that's what I've been feeding him ever since. I just wanted to make sure that you guys thought it was an acceptable brand!
Oh, ok that is good to know. Buddha seems just fine on the Nutrena Naturewise. He loves it, actually. We got him at 10 weeks old, and that's what I've been feeding him ever since. I just wanted to make sure that you guys thought it was an acceptable brand!