Reasoning behind not allowing 24hr dust bath access?

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2015
New York City
Just curious as to why open access to dust bath in your chin's house is not a thing?

Right now, I let my chin, Julio, have his full car wash dust pan when he is out for playtime.
I do keep three blue cloud rocks for him in his house to grind up in case he is feeling really icky and needs a quick fix.

Again, curious to the reason why the full pan shouldn't be left for 24hr access.
Is it mess concern only? Or something health related (like they don't know how much is too much?)
Chins tend to use them as a potty if left in all the time. They also bathe too often, which will dry out their skin. Dry skin can lead to infections. So obviously you can't have them rolling in dirty dust or cracking skin open.
They use it as a litter box and secondly they are more apt to get eye infections. 15 minutes is all is needed. During the summer months I give it to them three times a week. During winter twice a week.
You also don't want them sleeping or sitting in the dust for long periods of time because the more they're in the dust the more chance to inhale it. Too much dust inhaled can cause respiratory distress, and if they've used it as a litter box then possibly infection too.
My friend's chinchilla almost died from respiratory infection from inhaling too much dust (the dust bath was left in the cage).

Plus the other comments.. overuse = dry skin, or infection due to filthy dust from being used as a potty.