Re-introducing mates after birth

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Active member
Apr 17, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Hello friends. Just a quick question for anyone. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this problem.

Our chin had two kits on St. Patricks Day. We've kept mom and dad in separate cages to prevent breedback and I was trying to reintroduce the family so they could be together for a short time before I move the kits out.

Unfortunately, when I put them all together, dad immediately tried to mount mom and she wasn't going to have any of that! She actually fought back. My original intent was to only keep them apart for a few weeks, but the same thing happened, so I thought maybe it was too soon.

Has anyone ever had previous male/female cage mates not getting along after a birth? On the flip side of that, has anyone ever kept a mother and two female kits as cagemates? I'm guessing that I might just have to do that if they no longer get along.

They are not getting along because mom is still in "mom mode." Had you left him in there with them they would have been fine, but since you separated them, now she doesn't want him there because she's protecting her babies. It's totally normal. Some moms do this, others don't, but it's normal.

It's perfectly fine keeping mom and the two female kits together, which you would want to do anyway unless you plan on breeding mom over and over and over again. Every time you put dad back in there, there's going to be another litter of kits, unless you get him castrated.
Thanks Tunes! I will probably keep mom and the kits together and if I ever decide to breed again, put her back in with her "man." LOL Thanks for the info!