Raw Lean Ground Beef

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I have rescued a hedgehog from a local country pet shop. The pet shop had purchased it for a family that later did not take it. I was in the pet shop look to buy some of there shelving units and had noticed this little one in a cage filled with poop and urine. I am an animal lover and it just took my heart. I have been trying to gather up all the info I can on them. I recently took her to the vet where I had her nails trimed, as they were already embedded in to her paws :( My question is, I was reading a info book on hedgehogs and came across a supplement diet recipe, but it doesn't specify if I need to use raw or cooked lean ground beef? I can't see the balls of this recipe holding together if it was cooked? It dosen't say to cook them? What should I do?
First, throw away the care book that you purchased or use it for its cute images. It sounds like you purchased one of those that are known for its inaccurate information. There are a many books on the market still that are very outdated and the information in them can be harmful. I have one on my shelf that recommends kitten food as a big part of their diet. We know now that high fat foods can cause fatty liver disease.

Second, I don't typically recommend that hamburger be fed to hedgehogs either cooked or raw. It tends to be too fatty and the one time I tried it (probably 12 years ago now) I ended up with a hedgehog who had runny stools that needed a bath. I know others have had similar results.

Third, welcome the the wonderful world of hedgehogs and to CnH. There is a lot of good information on here, and if you don't see something, please ask.