Rainbow of Chinnies

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Mmm Helicobacter pylori..
Jan 29, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I told Mae I'd get her some pics, so here they are!

Kumiko (pink white) & Kobie (black velvet)


Morgan (violet wrap) and Paxton (white sapphire)


Mocha (mosaic)


Latte (beige)


Hemi (ebony/white TOV)

And a couple more cute ones..





ETA: I know Paxton's eye looks a bit red in the first pic of him, but it must be the flash because it looks fine when I checked him out afterwards :) If you look closely you can see it's the same color as his ear, so the flash pinkened him up, lol.
I can't do it, Alli! I just can't. lol, this rainbow will have to do because this girl has no more room to put more chinnies! :)
Sasha you just need a Sapphire and a tan in there for it to be complete. I will leave the gold bar chins and diamond bar out of. (i am not even sure if diamond is over here in anyway, but i remember i found a picture of one that also had a gold bar on the site and they were both pretty darned cute.)

Loki is more than welcomed to come visit me in the states.
Ahhh I didn't realize he was a white sapphire...I am easily distracted by cuteness. Yea I'd go with that as any other mutation color is quite difficult to come across. A true chocolate is included in the hard to find so can be dismissed chin....although I think a chocolate would replace the tan if by some random chance a breeder sold one as a pet.
Woo they are all so pretty... and all so spoiled! Lucky them and lucky you! And psshh... I'm sure you can find more space to fit in a couple more chins... :neener:
Scoot and Loki don't seem to pleased with the flashy thingy in their face. Hehehe. Adorable boys you have there!
nawwwww!!! I kept going through my head "of that's my favorite" *next pic* "no that's my favorite!!!" *next pic* "no that's my favorite!!!!!!!"

sigh-they're all adorable!!!
I'm so jealous! So many pretty babies...Did you purposely add different mutations to your chin family to have one of (almost) each? They are all adorable!
So adorable! And, if you don't have more room- you can always move! Lol- such cute chins!